Los gabachos buscan alianza para su entente en Suiza

Day 764, 10:51 Published in Spain Poland by Guayre II

Texto original:

Hay va el texto escrito en Ingles

The founding states, France, Italy and Ukraine agree to adhere to the following principles of the Entente:

The Member Nations of the Entente are free to participate in any military campaign of other countries and alliances unless and until such campaign is directly aimed against any Member Nation of the Entente.

Whenever integrity or sovereignty of any Member Nation of the Entente is under threat, all other Member Nations shall abandon any other campaigns and shall fully dedicate their efforts to protect their fellow Member State.

Sounds good. Do you agree?

(poniendolo en grande como si fueramos una amenaza para suiza...)

Even with a partially occupied France, you can see that the Entente plays a dominant role in Europe. Need only one part of the chain. Switzerland!
Two of our borders will be safe. Simplify hostilities. The two countries can attack in turn, permanently blocking the opponent and not giving a chance to retaliate.

Also the issue of communication. Many in our country speak French. Many speak Russian, as the Ukrainians. We will never arise misunderstanding due to poor translation. And this is also good.

This is what I see now. I think there are still many advantages.

It's all just for information. The decision must take all the people of Switzerland on the open referendum. But I advise you to think. This is something that I really interesting. Think for yourself. You must to build your reflections on the facts rather than on propaganda.

Gracias a los suizos que estan en contra segun los comentarios y apoyan a Eden