Let us learn eSerbian!

Day 1,708, 01:37 Published in New Zealand New Zealand by lordbonislav

I'm lordbonislav and I come from Serbia. More than a month I live in eNZ, before that I lived in eMontenegro. Because here in eNZ live so many Serbs I want to give you a small vocabulary with some words that are used by eSerbs.

New Zealand = Novi Zeland
kiwi = kivi
bazooka = bazuka
tank = tenk
wepon = puca (oružje)
wepons = puce (oružja)
kangaroo = kengur
free = besplatan/slobodan
dollar = dolar
chocolate bar = čokoladica
to see = videti
the sea = more
newspaper = novine
citizenship = državljanstvo
president = predsednik
congress/parlament = kongres/parlament (skupština)
more = više
less = manje
money = novac (pare)
currency = valuta
to fight = boriti se
war = rat
peace = mir
to defend = braniti
I = ja
you = ti/vi
he = on
she = ona
sex = seks
resistance force = pokret otpora
admins = admini
food = hrana
bread = hleb
god = bog
to eat = jesti
gold = zlato
Serbia = Srbija
Montenegro = Crna Gora
market = pijaca
elections = izbori
to subscribe = preptatiti se
damage = šteta
patriot = patriota
(political) party = (politička) partija
(birthday) party = (rođendanska) žurka
thanks = hvala
* The pronunciation you can hear on google-translate

