Lee Campaign Cabinet, Fundraising, & Oblige?

Day 1,655, 22:29 Published in USA USA by General Cartman Lee

Who are you voting for President of the United States fo America?
A quick fundraising note before I get to the good stuff. As many of you probably have guessed, my opponents purchase votes for their articles. I do not have the funds alone to compete with them, so if you have a surplus of money and want to help me pay for it, any donations would be welcome. Don't feel obligated to do so, but don't worry, I am not using your money to pay scores of staffers $100,000-$180,000 like Mitt Romney does. Please send these donations directly to my account.

Well, as some of you know... tonight was the dreadfully boring "Presidential debate".. and for the second consecutive month, upon orders from Oblige, I was not invited to participate. It is a really sad state of affairs in our country when a major Presidential candidate is not invited to a free and fair debate. Government censorship and control over what is supposed to be a neutral debate with all the candidates have made the eUSA the opposite of what our nation was designed to stand for and should stand for.

The following positions are still available. I felt like I should give the American people a significant portion of my cabinet for their judgment in the meantime.
Secretary of the Treasury
Secretary of Press
Secretary of the Interior

Vice President - Dan Wang
Wang is a former Party President of the now deceased United Independents Party, as well as a former US Congressman. He is a very reasonable figure with excellent diplomatic skills and the experience to take on the role of Vice President. Choosing someone who is a diplomat and a peacemaker is exactly what this country needs to unite and become stronger than ever.

Chief of Staff – SpecialKHouse
With Congressional experience in Romania, as well as an ambitious member of my own party, he is well suited to this executive experience. The COS must be someone who can manage the Presidential appointees and keep everything in order, and this fresh face will be a welcome relief to a position too often filled with the same elitist insiders.

Secretary of State – Jimakos-Thess
This prominent Greek diplomat who has been an active American citizen for quite some time would give the USA someone who can truly represent us on the international stage. He is currently a member of the Illyrian MU which further shows that this is an individual who can be trusted with diplomacy with various national leaders. It’s time for a shakeup at the state department by appointing an individual who has the connections and ability that this role requires.

Secretary of War – Deificus
Deificus has occupied nearly every senior military and defense position in our government and armed forces. At a time when an invasion is a very distinct possibility, we need to bring back a leader with proven success at defending our nation and who commands universal respect among our military. The war department will be focused on both defending our own borders, and taking the fight to any who attempt to do so.

Secretary of Immigration – Maximillian Payne
As the current immigration system will be eliminated and transferred under executive authority, a new cabinet post will be created in my administration. Payne is a former US Congressman with a great deal of experience in immigrant affairs. His role will be to identify Congressmen who are letting in players that are consistently fighting against the United States and enforce the policy that I outlined in my previous article. A fair, yet strong-armed leader, he will be a welcome change from the current policies which only apply the rules to some, but yet let others run wild letting in potential threats.

Secretary of Homeland Security – Sidarta
Tying in to the previous department, the Homeland Security Department, which yours truly took the initiative in creating under the GoalieBCSC Administration under Shermain’s jurisdiction, will be reintroduced under the authority of Sidarta. This is a very experienced bureaucrat who specializes in ATO efforts. His job will be to assess, monitor, and lead all necessary efforts against possibly hostile takeover attempts that may occur on American soil.

I will leave it up to you, the American people, to make the decision. Do you want another cabinet filled with the same snobby elites thet get appointed, and do an awful job every month, and laugh at you in their smoke filled IRC rooms, like Israel Stevens has offered? or do you want to see an experienced, and diverse group of individuals in the cabinet? I have said that I will be a different sort of President, and I will keep that promise. It's time for real change in our country. Let's make it happen!

Vote General Cartman Lee on Tuesday, June 5th.
United We Stand