Leaked TRS Memo reveals secret plot!

Day 5,816, 11:36 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Addaway

Shocking news uncovered today.... I've discovered a secret memo distributed to TRS members revealing a plot devastating to the leadership. I've already cut up my membership card in protest.

check it out below!!


Subject: Top-Secret 'TRS' Party Memo - Operation "Biscuit Infiltration"

To: [TRS Party High Command]
From: [Wolders69]
Date: Day 5,693

Dear Esteemed Party Members,

In light of our ongoing efforts to expand and consolidate our influence, we present the details of Operation "Biscuit Infiltration." This initiative is designed to recruit new members into our ranks through a covert strategy masked behind a seemingly innocuous competition to determine the best biscuit. We believe that by harnessing the deep-seated passion that people have for their preferred cookies, we can identify individuals with the unwavering commitment needed to advance our political agenda.

I. Objective:

Operation "Biscuit Infiltration" aims to attract potential party members by utilizing a seemingly benign biscuit competition as a front for our recruitment strategy. By appealing to individuals' personal preferences and covertly assessing their political inclinations through their choice of biscuits, we hope to assemble a dedicated base of supporters who are passionate about our cause.

II. Selection Process:

Operatives: 'TRS' operatives will be strategically placed within the organization responsible for the biscuit competition. These members, without revealing their political affiliation, will influence the selection process to favor candidates with preferences aligning with our own. This will allow us to identify potential recruits subtly.

Monitoring: Operatives will closely monitor competition participants for distinctive signs of political allegiance. These indicators may manifest as unwavering devotion to specific biscuit varieties such as chocolate chip, oatmeal raisin, or classic shortbread.

III. Recruitment Tactic:

Winners and standout participants of the biscuit competition will be our prime targets for recruitment. We will employ a two-pronged approach to entice them into our secret society:

Exclusive Access: Successful participants will be offered exclusive access to hidden 'TRS' meetings and gatherings, enticing them with a sense of belonging.

Perks: Recruits will be presented with an array of tempting biscuit-related incentives, enhancing their loyalty and commitment to our cause.

IV. Secrecy and Discretion:

Operatives must maintain utmost discretion throughout Operation "Biscuit Infiltration." The true nature of our plan must remain concealed from both participants and the public at large. This secrecy is paramount to the success of our recruitment strategy.

V. Conclusion:

Operation "Biscuit Infiltration" is our opportunity to harness the power of personal preferences, turning seemingly innocent baked goods into a tool for political recruitment. We believe that by attracting individuals who are passionate about biscuits, we can forge a resilient and dedicated support base for the 'TRS' party.

This memo serves as a blueprint for our clandestine operation. It is of the utmost importance that it does not fall into the wrong hands. We are counting on the commitment of our operatives to execute this operation with precision and discretion.

Yours in Secrecy and Allegiance,

[TRS Party God Emperor]