lancer450 is ready to serve!

Day 1,615, 14:35 Published in Australia Netherlands by lancer450

G’day people of eSouth Australia, the whole of eAustralia, and the eWorld,

Today I want to talk about the choice facing eAustralians in the coming days.

On the 25th of April, eAustralians across the country will head to the polls to elect a new Senate. One of the Senate-hopefuls who will be seeking their vote is me, lancer450.

Let me just say that I am no stranger to the job I am seeking. I am a former four-time Senator for the state of Queensland, Prime Minister of eAustralia, Party President of the Australian Independent Party, and Deputy Speaker of the eAustralian Senate. I know how things work and I know how to get them done. If you elect me, you know what you are getting. I will work for all eAustralians in order to give them the biggest advantage in succeeding in the eWorld.

I will try to listen to eAustralians.
I will respect eAustralians.
I will try to unite eAustralians.

I understand that I am seeking ONE seat out of the forty that compose the Senate. I have LIMITED power, so I will not make any frivolous promises in this article. All I can say is that a vote for me is a vote for responsibility, integrity, experience, and determination. I will NOT let you down.

eAustralians are waiting for us to succeed. Let’s not disappoint them. Let’s make it happen!

You can help me do this by voting for me on 25 April, 2012 under the Australian Parliamentary Party banner in South Australia.


Fmr Prime Minister of eAustralia
Fmr Senator of Queensland
Fmr US Congressman of Oregon
Fmr Filipino Congressman of Palawan
Fmr Deputy Speaker of the eAustralian Senate
Fmr Australian Independent Party President
Fmr Deputy Minister & Minister of Information