Kitty Wants to get WILD!

Day 2,236, 19:44 Published in USA USA by MazzyCat

Kitty here! As you should know by know Wild Owl is running for PotUS. He has selected me to be his VP, and I accepted. Why? Because I think Wild Owl is amazing, and beyond capable for the job. Because he’s new. Because I trust him. And that my dear readers - is why I say.. VOTE FOR WILD OWL!

I have known Wild Owl for some time. When I was SoE he was one of my deputies. He was HARD working. He knew what I wanted done, and BOOM accomplished. (In fact, You can look back and see the many articles he has written in DoE’s newspaper.) Then he became SoE, and you know what? The DoE continued rocking. Now - the DoE is important in my opinion. His hard work there shows he cares about new players. Getting them informed. Keeping them around.

And that.. is the exact reason to vote for him. Why I support him. He doesn’t just care about a few aspects of the game. A few people. He cares about the eUS as a whole. All the people in it that work together to make our nation great. From the newest player struggling to figure out what to do.... All the up to our titans who tower over us and hold us up on their mighty shoulders. He knows that our nation can not be great without all the players working together.

His care reaches out and into the area of Foreign Affairs where he continues to care. He cares that other nations see us as friends. That our enemies know what we stand for. That nations who are not sure where we stand have something worth watching and growing admiration for! He wants to see our nation proud and shining. Something for people to strive for. Something I believe we all want.

Too much? NEVER!

So yes - I am voting Wild Owl. I feel he is what our nation needs to go forward. Yes - I would be thrilled if you would vote for Wild Owl with me. Kitty out! ♥