Kapetanov Dnevnik 3 - Captains Log 3

Day 4,134, 10:58 Published in Serbia Serbia by Kapetan Uks

Dan 4,134-ti, još 1219XP do nivoa 47 / Day 4,134, 1219XP left to lvl 47

Srpski; engleski odozdo / Serbian; english below

Zašto sam smarao sve sa "podmlađivanjem" novinarskog modula? Zašto podržavam eRep skupove? Što sam uzeo na svoja nejaka pleća Službeni Glasnik i Ministarstvo informisanja?

Znate zašto?

Zato što je baja juče rešio da pobije skoro 50 ljudi; zato što su istovernici tih nesrećnika pobijenih isto tako pobili hiljade po "zapadu"; zato što je njima taj "zapad" uništio živote, porodice, zemlje; zato što se ljudi svaki dan, po celom svetu tamane i - možda još gore - maltretiraju jedni druge, tlače, ugnjetavaju, teraju druge da žive kao crvi svaki dan, ceo dan. Ljudi se ubijaju, nipodaštavaju, vređaju, ophode kao zveri međusobno, jer im neko kaže da je to sve za račun vere, nacije, "načina života", a u stvari je samo kinta, korupcija, nafta i kontrola vlasti...

Zato što mi na glavi sedi SŽ stranka, meri ljude samo jednim aršinom, a to je članstvo i bezuslovna poslušnost, uništava mi grad, ubija mi zemlju, tera nas da se natežemo i grcamo ne da bi živeli bolje, nego da bi uopšte živeli, skoro svakog koga znam da je dupe odrao zarađujući diplomu faksa oterala je van struke i u maltene ponižavajuće poslove;
Zato što stranci na glavi sedi Brisel i kaže joj: radi šta hoćeš, ali narod ne može da bude slobodan, treba nam najniža radnička klasa, treba nam neko da otplati račune velikog evropskog rajha, nakupilo se;
Zato što u Brisel i Njujork dođu baje i kažu: evo, ovoga ćemo da se igramo danas, evo koliko nam dužnih treba za svetsku ekonomiju, evo koliko bolesnih za farmaciju, evo koliko siromašnih, evo koliko mrtvih...

Zbog svih ovih stvari, koje osećam na svom životu, nakalemljene na svu glupost, sujetu, ogorčenost i zlo koje imamo kao ljudi - zato mi treba eRep!

Mesto gde Ukrajinu osvaja Tajvan, Veliku Britaniju - Bugarska, Irsku - Italija, Nigeriju - Kuba, Indiju - Srbija...
Mesto gde glumatamo da smo predsednici, novinari, vojnici, guverneri, stranački lideri, biznismeni...
Mesto gde se okupljamo na četovima, raspravljamo o kontroverzama, optužujemo, podržavamo, analiziramo...
Mesto gde se upoznajemo i delimo, svi zajedno, jedan svet koji ne može biti dalje od onih gnusoba koje nas svakodnevno opsedaju iz SŽ-a...

Mesto gde sve ovo radimo... iz čiste zajebancije; i ljudskosti.

I normalno, naći će se neko ko će probati da unovči svoje igranje; naći će se oni koji ne razumeju tanku liniju između igre i svakodnevice. Naći će se, ali će ovde biti jedan-na-jedan sa nama, ostalima. Neće biti iza kafkijanskog vela, gde čuče moćnici spoljnog sveta; neće biti nedodirljivi; neće biti van svakog iskupljenja.

Eto, zato mi treba eRep. Ne svaki dan, ceo dan, po cenu mog stvarnog života, ali u ovim trenucima, kad želim taj podstrek i odvajanje, kad želim da se setim da su ljudi stvarni, da su deca u nama stvarna i da na svetu malo ima stvari jačih od igre, tad mi treba, i zato mi treba.

To je to...

Why did I bother everyone with the "rejuvenation" of the journalist module? Why do I support eRep gatherings? Why did I take upon my weak shoulders to lead the Official Gazette and the Ministry of information?

You know why?

Because a dude decided yesterday to kill almost 50 people; because those of the same faith as these people also decided to kill thousands in "the West"; because that "West" destroyed their lives, families, countries; because every day people are wasting each other worldwide, and - maybe even worse - pushing one another to hardship, opressing, grinding each other, making other people live like worms every day, all day long. People kill others, treat them like dirt, insult them, behave like beasts to one another, because someone convinced them it's for the good of the faith, nation, "the way of life", when in fact it's all about money, corruption, oil and power control...

Because in RL there is a party sitting on my head, measuring people with only one stick, which is membership in it, and unconditional obedience to it, destroying my city, murdering my country, making us strain and sacrifice, not in order to live better, but only to live, and almost everyone I know that worked their butts off earning a college diploma are either forced out of their fields, or into almost humiliating jobs;
Because there is Brussels sitting on the party's head, telling them: do as you please, but the people can't be free, we need the lowest working class, we need someone to pay out the debt of the great european Reich, it's growing large;
Because the big guys come to Brussels and New York and say: here's what game we're gonna play today, here's how many people in debt we need for the world economy, how many sick for the pharmacy, here's how many poor, how many dead...

Because of all these things that I feel laying upon my life, layered onto all the stupidity, vanity, bitterness and evil that we all have as humans - that is why I need eRep!

A place where Ukraine is occupied by Taiwan, the UK - by Bulgaria, Ireland - by Italy, Nigeria - by Cuba, India - by Serbia...
A place where we act like we are presidents, journalists, soldiers, gouverners, party leaders, enterprenours...
A place where we gather in the chatrooms, argue about controversies, accuse, support, analyze...
A place where we meet each other and share, all together, a world that couldn't be further away from the vile things that obsess us in RL...

A place where we do all these things... for the hell of it; and for the humanity of it.

And, sure, there'll be someone who will try to cash in on the gameplay; there will be those who don't understand the thin line between the game and everyday life. There will be those, but in here, they will be one-on-one with the rest of us. They won't be behind the kafkian veil, where the brutes of the real world hide; they won't be untouchable; won't be beyond redemption.

That is why I need eRep. Not every day, the whole day trough, to the expense of my real life, but in these moments, when I want that uplift and the escape, when I want to remember that people are real, that the child in us is real and that seldom there are things in the world stronger than the game, that's when I need it, and that's why I need it.

That would be it...

Otidoh u preozbiljno ovaj put, ali nekada ni to nije loše. / Went to the serious side this time, but once in a while that's not bad.

Vidimo se na sajtu i valjda jednom na skupu!
See you on the site and, hopefully someday on a gathering!

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