Job Market – Insane Employers – W

Day 1,471, 12:22 Published in Romania Republic of Moldova by Vlad Dracula Mike
Job Market – Insane Employers – WAKE UP

I was hoping that at least some people would understand a little about the JOB MARKET and have some common sense, but that is seldomly found nowdays. I don’t understand it full but at least I am courious to know what is going on around and here is my though.
Why do I say that?
Well, not to long ago people were making articles and comment when gold jumped from 18 to 20 and than to 23 or 25 Local Currency. It was a huge fuss about that… Everybody said it will go back and that it’s a simple fluctuation.
After that people got angry on that fact, now we pay 1000 and mode for 1 gold and got used to it.. ;o)
Now we have another crisis coming on us and this is NOT brought to us by eRep or by admins, WE do it to OURSELFS.
IF you have in mind to hire 1-5 people in your factory you will have to pay 140 – 160 – 180 local curency. IF you don’t have RAW for them YOU are screwed. 

Who are these guys that create these kinds of salaries???
Do they have any common sense on marketing???(maybe that is to much to ask )
Guys You don’t need to know maketing or have any strategy to see that:
If you have a Q5 you pay a salary of 130 LC to one employee.

Q5___Price___Profit if sold___Price for raw__Salary___Profit

Hellooo ;o) 70.2 proffit – NOW let’s do it again with 160 LC (local currency)

Q5___Price___Profit if sold___Price for raw____Salary__Profit

Why do you bother working of even have employees? WHY & HOW do you smart guys offer as salaries 140 - 160 - 180 local currencies?

Even more YOU uncounciously participate and you implement a huge INFLATION ALL OVER THE WORLD.
That si why salaries explode, prices for weapons explode, everything explodes.

WHY I am saying that? There is logic.
Since we can all work in our own factories do do not depnd on 30-40 Local Currency. I say 30 – 40 because it is the difference from a decent salary.
A decent salary I think can be around 100 - 120 LC (local currency). This way everybody makes a bigger profit.
IF you don’t pay 20-60 LC to 5 people (IF you have employes you make an economy of 100-300 LC.

NOW one employe does not really feel the difference beteen 30 – 50 LC. THINK ABOUT IT.

You don’t get it from your boss but you don’t give it to one of your employees either.
So you actually DO NOT loose but we will gain by having better prices on food and weapons.

This way we can take prices down a notch without loosing anything.

Think about it ...

EDIT - jsut know a friend told me that I actually forgot to cut the VAT. so your profit is not even that. ;o)