IDEA :) [Tabung RW]

Day 2,159, 11:15 Published in Malaysia Pakistan by Banzai Mlaysia

Hi eMalaysian 🙂
i create this newspaper to represent any beneficial idea for our country and us.


recently our gov are planning a chain RW .
but some of us cannot support it because already did it on previous rw,
some us also which still newbie (like me 😛 ) are saving gold to upgrade their small factory and TG .

i suggest Tabung RW which everyone can support it together,

you can send any amount into this tabung at anytime , our target is to drain that damn shield 🙂

so it take a time for awhile 🙂

we already have 5 personal supporter .

i will give my 300myr for this 🙂
how about you guys ?

send any donation to this acc
if we get complte response from all regarding this
i believe it will work

for our beloved country,

sincerely IDEA RAKYAT 😃