I Want to Be Heard Around the World!

Day 1,525, 14:09 Published in USA USA by Dr Heisenberg


I have an idea that probably has been thought up before by many people and even posted on another article before! It's a very simple concept that should have been applied ever since the News Module was changed.

Admin let me write articles in other countries!
I have words and pictures for them to see!

I would one day like to have a set number of translators that could translate all my articles for the major languages of this game! From my war review articles (ill be doing again soon as college life settles) to any Lolz paper i might write everyone shall read them!

But how?

Thats how

Now we need rules because were not all adults here and this can be abused!
So heres what i offer as an idea for some boundaries!

You can write an article and submit it to any countries news

Only those with CS in that country can Vote for it if submitted by someone without CS to that country

If you write an article in your own country that you have CS for other people in different countries can still vote

Articles in other countries can only be once a day (to reduce possibility of spamming)

When submitting an article in other countries you must stay respectful of the coutnry. In other words no troll or lulz articles in their media. (you can still write those types of articles but it should be in your own countries media)

Subs will have no rules as the point of making articles is to get subscribers

What do you guys think?

Vote shout sub comment, be social

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I Want to be Heard Around the World