Herzlich willkommen in eDeutschland

Day 1,822, 05:14 Published in Germany Ukraine by Mister Kirk

Hi everyone!
Hello eGermark!

My name is Mister Kirk , I am from eUkraine!
Sorry for my English , i ll try to improve my german skills and I'll write in German soon!
Realy glad to become a citizen of eGermany!
Thanks for those people who gave me a chance to join u'r country!

From this day i will be fighting for eGermark as for my motherland - eUkraine!
Also i wanna make some little articles about eUkraine ,eBelarus and eRussia!
Their political situation and some their news analytics!

So if u are interested in that u can sub my newspaper, it will be interesting i promise!
Also u can add me , i ll be very happy !

Girls of article :

Thanks !