Greasy Turkey

Day 235, 14:53 Published in USA USA by Desertfalcon

Athens, Greece- Back in April after Turkey conquered Israel a public outcry began condemning Turkey for the invasion and a free Israel movement began. The movement has had little success as many of its members have left while waiting on the fight for freedom module to be released so they could begin their revolution. Months came and went and nothing happened. The tension was always there between Israel and Turkey with real life issues helping fuel the tension. Soon after Israel was finally conquered it became irrelevant to most of the outside world. It looked as if there was no possibility of Israel gaining their land back but that may change soon.

Recently a thread has stirred Turkish tensions with yet another country, Greece. The thread started by the Greeks demanded for the Eturks to apologize for the real life Armenian genocide. As many have pointed out this is not entirely fair to the Eturks and some found it offensive and refused to apologize. Though their refusal probably is not going to play a big role in the situation that unfolds if Greece invades Turkey expect the Greeks to use this as a scapegoat as a reason for war.

War has yet to be proposed and even if it was the admins would probably delay it. Yet it does seem a possibility as Greece has just cancelled their mutual protection pact with Turkey. Seeing as Greece has almost twice the population of Turkey they would likely be the aggressor however they might be deterred by the fact that Turkey has some powerful allies in Pakistan and Indonesia. They however might be able to take advantage of the fact that Indonesia is going to be pre occupied with South Africa and Pakistan is supporting Indonesia down there as well. With the right timing they might also see Israel revolt at the time of their invasion which would spread Turkey thin.

Turkey will have to get their military organized as a Greek invasion and Israeli revolution are likely and if Indonesia and Pakistan can not help they will be vastly outnumbered. Turkey does hold an advantage in the fact that Greece has lost most of the nations that they were allied with. The U.S. and Romania are both strong nations who still have MPPs but the U.S. is fighting in down in South Africa and would not likely divert resources to Greece. For this war we will once again have to wait until the admins start the fighting back up again however it does look like Turkey will be involved in some war either with the Greeks or Israeli revolutionaries soon.