Gnilraps for WTP Once Again

Day 1,760, 20:56 Published in USA USA by Gnilraps

Decision Day
Day 1,760 of the New World
14 September, 2012

We The People is setting up to be the battleground where loyal Americans will be called upon to cast their vote in defense of our National Sovereignty.

Over the past few days, many of our Nation's most heinous enemies have conspired to take control of WTP. They must fail.


First - This is not a battle merely for the ego stroke of being "Party President". The 5 people who win Presidency of the top 5 Political Parties determine who gets to run for Congress and who does not. If an enemy is permitted to grab that kind of power, and if they are subsequently able to win a majority of Congressional seats, our very national treasury would be at risk for theft. Imagine 400,000 USD per day being funneled into the Serbian banks!

Furthermore, elected congressmen are permitted the authority to grant citizenship to immigrants from foreign countries without any checks or balances of this power. So enemy citizens with congressional seats translates into a growing population of enemy citizens. The eventual end is a coupe of the Nation.

Second - The Party Presidents also determine who might run for Country President. Once again, giving this authority to a citizen who is a legitimate enemy of eUSA is playing with fire.

and Third - having formal leadership of a top political party affords the best avenue for recruiting new players into your political agenda. In this browser game, lies always go unpunished, and our enemies are famous for parading themselves as "Americans with Conservative Values" or other bullcrap stories that use Real Life politics to manipulate ingame players.

The simple truth is that every one of my opponents in the race for Party Presidency of We The People is an Enemy, is being supported by our enemies, and if successful will further lead our electronic Nation into foreign takeover.

I am running for Party Presidency unopposed by any trustworthy candidate.

I am running for Party Presidency opposed by established enemies of the state.

It is of utmost importance that every citizen who reads this and wants to vote for a secure eUSA follows the following protocol:

Do not be quick to vote.
Hold off voting until you think it may be your last login for the day.
Then send a private message to one of the following established and trustworthy Americans, asking them where to vote:
Paul Proteus
Israel Stevens
or me.
And if one of us does not get back to you soon enough, then leave your current political party (temporarily), join We The People, vote for Gnilraps, then rejoin your chosen political party.

Don't let the bad guys win.

One note about what you will hear my opponents say regarding my prior term as Party President.

Our enemies criticized me because we did not win a large number of Congressional Seats last month.

The truth is, I consider it a great success that we won so few.

We The People, the Political Party which contains the largest (BY FAR) number of enemy foreigners, did not send a single enemy citizen into Congress. Instead, our enemies flocked to INCI last month where an absentee Party President left many open states in which to run.

In other words, We The People succeeded in securing as many congressional seats as we had responsibility for. The current batch of rogue congressmen were all elected under other Party's dockets.

I of course promise that WTP will once again refuse to run any enemy of the eUSA for Congress if I am elected Party President.

If you do little else but work, train, and fight, make sure you also at least vote for Gnilraps for President of We The People.

You may now return to your regularly scheduled clicking