Glove Is RIGHT About Bulgaria & Chile!

Day 1,643, 21:37 Published in USA USA by General Cartman Lee

I wanted to chime in on the recent comments by Glove made in support of Bulgaria and Chile and state that in my capacity as a private citizen and as Supreme Commander of EDEN-TERRA Unified Command, that I wholeheartedly agree with this sentiment.

Bulgaria was a very trustworthy ally that we allowed to be alienated and basically forced out of EDEN. Here is some insight in to what was going on in the minds of the Bulgarian and Turkish PM's during one of their meetings.

The Chileans were also incredibly reliable in TERRA and we did the same to them. As much as I love my Argentinean friends, Chile has the worlds largest saltwater swimming pool and Sebastian Pinera, and he is the greatest leader in all of Latin America, and you have a crazy lady who hangs with people like this....

The leadership has been incredly inept and have betrayed some of America's dearest friends on multiple occasions. They sent them right in to the arms of ONE. It's time we hold these people accountable and we start behaving like Americans should behave, as a beacon of liberty and truth, something which we seem to be forgetting in todays world.