Frost/DMV: Let's chase the pussy in June.

Day 2,001, 22:43 Published in USA USA by Candor

I'm laying a lot on Dennis McVicker for the inception of AIM. I'm laying a lot on Josh Frost for calling a spade a spade with regards to the entrenched power structure and AIM's potential to shake that entrenched power structure up.

A lot will happen in the next 20 odd days prior to the next Presidential election. And I mean to steal no glory from President Artela and that next 20 days.

But with Frost's experience leading the nation, inspiring, communicating and adding story line in the games brighter days, and DMV's involvement with the AIM concept and project, we could wed the best of two great things and dynamic leaders.

In June, let's get a little cray cray. Do some dangerous things. Bite the bullet and do some unexpected things.

Frost only plays a pussy on tv. And DMV has balls and creativity. Throw them in a box together, shake it really hard, then let's play catch the kitty by the tail.

We'll chase them all month long. Fun for all ages.

Dutifully Submitted,

Vice President
The NoS Dive Bar

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