From Croatia with love

Day 487, 18:45 Published in Poland Croatia by Zelja

Witnessing all of the hate few individuals are expressing towards Croatia and its role in Atlantis as somebody’s slave I decided to introduce Croatian army too the international community .

Somebody will say that we are small, new and insignificant, well maybe we are but we fight every war alongside our allies and we take great pride in it.

Together with all of our allies from great countries of ATLANTIS we participated in the biggest fight erepublik has seen so far, the fight for the WEST SIBERIAN REGION , where we managed to finance and equip more than 70 of our soldiers that did around 30 000 damage. (consider the age of our country, 4months)

But that’s not the battle I would like to talk about, the fight that impressed me the most was tonight’s small battle for URAL (considering WSR)

Few of us after the long day of mostly chating , eating and figting in Romania 🙂 received the notice that Norway need urgent help. The time was short around 30minutes, and wall was falling.

None of our soldier from the irc that night hesitated , although we have all fought that day already we decided to go and help Norway , even if that meant losing all of our gold and finishing the day with only 30 wellness.

There were 8 of them , 8 heroes that menaged to squeeze 7000 damage in the very last moments of the fight.

That together with huge amounts of damage other soldier and tanks from ATLANTIS did was enough to defeat the well timed attack from the PEACE side.

All I can say is that moments like these truly define why we play this game.