Free Tanks! Could be yours!

Day 1,444, 19:35 Published in Canada Canada by OLloyd

Hey everyone, it looks like Rolo has taken the route of being a childish little 5 year old. Offering you tanks for saying that I am an crazy...How is he paying for all those tanks he is promising? He is paying for them with all that CAD and gold he stole from eCanada all those months ago when he was elected as CP and then before the passwords could get changed (when he got impeached the first time) he took ALL the money! Then the poorly enforced judicious system here in eCanada (poorly enforced because eRepublic doesn't recognize the Justice department) so any ruling that comes out of the justice department only gets enforced by the forums admins, thus this term congressmember Rolo has no access to the forum because he STILL has not repaid ANYTHING! He talked about paying it back a few times, but nothing ever came of it. So Rolo got 5 gold to be a congressmen and what does eCanada get? Well so far he has proposed no bills and since he can not get into the forums he only has his congressional mouthpiece to speak for him (Wally the Rolo puppet). Why do we keep electing Rolo in congress? Why are you all going to elect him again next month? Well cause he has mastered the art of the bribe...He has bribed so many players into electing him and Wally that we have an ineffective congress. So if you want to play a game where someone pays you to think for you keep taking bribes from Rolo and Wally...If you are tired of thieves ruling the game, then stand up and tell Rolo that he is a crook and he MUST repay EVERYTHING back he stole before he can be taken seriously again! Speak your minds eCanada, don't be sheep that get *&$#$% by Rolo the shepherd...There is a reason sheep can be lead...

Still willing to be a lemming and sell your eCountry? Then click this link and say agree for your chance at getting a pile of Tanks paid for by the government...