Foreign Affairs Update

Day 2,212, 20:59 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Swiss Dep. of Finance

Greetings Switzerland and friends,

As it appears to be a slow news day I would like to post a little something to brighten your day. With the recent colapse of our negotiations with Slovenia comes a rush of new action by Monsieur Guillontine. No longer incumbered by what obligations might have been and careful observation by Slovenian's critical of Swiss diplomacy we are now free to make MPP's and pursue an alliance with our friends at our lesiure. Here's a current list of MPP's in effect:

> Canada
> India
> France

There are more to come! Also, MG is seeking out those who would become allies. With the continued fracturing of TWO the time is ripe to move on this. When countries work together there is much to be gained. Honor and trust are the base with devotion and effort the building blocks. Switzerland endevors to be the best of neighibors whether helping Italy or Chile. Friends are not always next door.

best regards,

Swiss MoFA