Flamand Grouping Insurgency

Day 704, 02:07 Published in Romania Romania by sebahmah

Unity, Cooperation, Teamwork.. words so familiar and so trendy in the corporate driven society. Making slavery, sacrifice and mass brainwash sound like you're fighting for the greater good.

You are part of a 200 people department each with a 1,3*1,5 cubical? You're part of The Team, you are unique, and without you and the cooperation, teamwork of each other colleague our Company can't exist...

Bullshit.. Everyone is replaceable, teamwork is overrated, teamwork and cooperation are great concepts that took the road of hypocrisy and joined manipulation and mass control.

1. Unifications

National unions.. even better. National unions between different nations, THE BEST.

Unifying Moldova with Romania is somewhat understandable, same nation, same language, a connected bloody RL history.

Unifying S.Korea and Japan -> Wrong, Stupid and a Big Lie.
Unifying Germany and Austria -> Not that wrong, not that stupid but still a Big Lie.
Unifying Belgium and Netherlands -> Biggest joke and mockery in the whole game.

There was no unification between Netherlands and Belgium, it was a colonization. There were no belgians in this game back then except for 10 2clickers, and to be sincere i have doubts that now there are more than 30 active belgians in this game.

Still, it's not their will to unite with Netherlands, it's not their will to be controlled by a country rulled by some of the most vicious and powerfull PEACE fanatics.

It's not their will to be free either..

As a matter a fact: we don't know what's their will, but untill we do we should keep the balance on 0.

2. Grouping

Stop using cooperation as shield for greedy and ego-filling moves. Netherlands is the crippled less gifted brother in PEACE, and in order to maintain its self esteem they grabbed helpless Belgium, so they feel less pathetic.

Team work, Cooperation... happy, happy, joy, joy. All a bunch of lies.

Here is the real deal: Grouping!

Stop cooperating and start grouping. What is grouping? Well, what happened today is a good example. The Group grouped and flawlessly executed a grouping maneuver and gave Belgium a new chance.

Groups are in general less valued than Teams, but using reverse psychology in a eworld where Teamwork and Cooperation practically says: slavery and exploitation, Groups are the next best things.

Groups are rational, groups are fair, groups have rules, and groups are based on a single rule: everyone wants something in the group, and everyone should get that something.

The Group is not big, it's bigger (than netherland's population dough) than yesterday and will grow even bigger. It's not important who is part of The Group, faceless heroes are more interesting anyhow.. Would have been of any use if i told you that alex201, a random groupy was in charge of a small division in UK 2 weeks ago, and had access to all kinds of sick and funky info? Nope.. Or if i told you that radu, a 2 months user has a 1000 gold Treasury without investing more than 10$ in this game?


We in The Group don't value nice words, we don't value "friendship", we value SUCCESS and we value ATTITUDE and DILIGENCE, we value WINNING.

We will continue grouping, until everyone will have Groups at Home, Groups in the whole World.

And yeah, Long live Independence!
Hail Teamwork
Hail Unity
Hail Cooperation
Hail Hipocrisy
Hell with them all!