EZC Reorganizes Regimental System

Day 1,674, 10:13 Published in USA USA by Gnilraps

EZC Journal
Day 1,674 of the New World
20 June 2012

It has been about two weeks now since Admin released the new revised Battle Module which has turned into quite a game-changer.

Discussions among EZC and Federalist Leadership have revolved around what the new Division system means for an MU such as Easy Company which has 14 Regiments.

One consideration that weighed heavily on me was the strong opinion of former XO Neron Trocki who lobbied for keeping our current system in place.

And maybe in another MU it would be appropriate to continue to develop an insular community whose primary interest is inner-regimental competition.

But Easy Company has an immense responsibility to our Nation. We are the most powerful MU in the Nation among Division 2 Soldiery, indeed the 5th most powerful in the eWorld.

In Division 3 we rank #2 in the eUSA and #13 in the eWorld.

The eUSA ranks 9th in the eWorld in Division 2, with 5 of our enemies ranked above us. (Serbia alone does more than twice our damage in Division 2).

The eUSA ranks 3rd in the eWorld in Division 3 behind Serbia and Poland.

In other words, Easy Company is strongest where our Nation needs to be at its tactical best.

And since Easy Company is so endowed with such a trust as this, it would be nothing less than traitorous for me to keep our Regimental system the way it is currently organized.

We must reorganize by Division, and we must do it ASAP.

Before we do that, I want to recognize (in addition to the aforementioned Neron Trocki), Laiskloom, e5anderm, Ulysses101164, and stewy who all contributed to the excellent system we currently have in place. The sense of pride that was developing among Regiments - if it were able to continue - would have forged Easy Company into a truly epic Militia.

Thank you, every one of you.

Thank you to our Captains as well, who have been doing such good work in building up your Regiments, each with a unique style. I am counting on the leadership you've established to get the hard work done which is about to begin.

Our new structure, once we finally get reorganized, will look like this:

EZC will have 3 "Platoons" "Brigades".
Brigade 1 will be overseen by the CO, and will contain 4 Divisional Regiments. They will be Regiments 1, 4, 7, and 10.

Regiment 1 will be Division 1 soldiers.
Regiment 4 will be Division 2 soldiers.
Regiment 7 will be Division 3 soldiers.
Regiment 10 will be Division 4 soldiers.

Brigades 2 and 3 will be overseen by our two XOs and will also contain 4 Divisional Regiments.

Brigade 2 will contain Regiments 2, 5, 8, and 11.
Brigade 3 will contain Regiments 3, 6, 9, and 12.

Regiments 2 and 3 will be Division 1 soldiers.
Regiments 5 and 6 will be Division 2 soldiers.
Regiments 8 and 9 will be Division 3 soldiers.
Regiments 11 and 12 will be Division 4 soldiers.

Regiment 14 will be a special Romanian Regiment.
Regiment 13 will be reserved for special purposes to be announced later.

My rationale for organizing things thus is as follows:

New players who join the Regiment get placed in the lowest-numbered Regiment which has an open slot. For this reason I want our lowest numbered Regiments (1, 2, and 3) to be where we accept and mentor our Division 1 members.

From these slots we can then begin to populate our Division 2 Regiments as players develop and grow.

Furthermore, game mechanics allow 2nd Commanders (XOs) to move around within the MU by inviting themselves into any regiment they wish. By this means they can oversee how our Regimental Captains are doing and can be responsible for managing their Brigade.

Most of all, by coordinating our Regiments according to Division, we can respond to battle orders with precision. As the #1 and #2 strongest MU among Division 2 and 3 soldiery, we owe it to the eUSA to be as battle-ready as possible.

In the coming days, our Soldiers will be receiving their new Regiment assignments.

I am calling upon every Easy Company member to respond to those assignments knowing that you are helping to make Easy Company into the most important independent Militia in the eWorld.

A quick word to those who are disappointed to see these changes:

I totally understand your frustration. You all know how hard I worked to develop the 3rd Regiment into one deserving of its moniker "Tactical Command". I am sad to see it go too.

But when the game we play changes under us, WE MUST ADAPT. We cannot play today the same game we played a month ago. That game is gone.

Please believe me when I say that this new structure will offer more and better opportunities for inner-MU war games and competitions. This new structure will offer more and better opportunities for community-building and mentorship. This new structure will do even more to facilitate the development of new Captains and give existing Captains an incredible chance to prove themselves.

The Easy Company of tomorrow will be finer than it is today. I know it.

I'd also like to announce that despite the loss of our 100/100 bonuses, at this time I am NOT reducing daily rations. That decision may have to be made at some point in the future, but at this time we will continue to hand out the following supplies:

16 Q6 Tanks per day per Commune Worker.
+10 Q6 Tanks for Heavy Armour Division Soldiers who kill 50+.
+20 Q6 Tanks for Heavy Armour Division Soldiers who kill 75+.
+30 Q6 Tanks for the HAD Champion each day.
So yes, up to 46 Q6 tanks.

Easy Company is and will continue to be the ass-kickingest Militia in this game.

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