eUSA population - May 2020

Day 4,580, 17:46 Published in USA USA by Mister Y

Hello Americans! Sorry for the bad delay this month, but I was not able to connect for a long week cause Internet issues. I lost some days in the game, so I needed to put few numbers in the end of the month to avoid the hole. They can’t be the correct numbers, but I simply followed the trend to join the data I just saw today. They are sure not far from the truth!
The first graphic represents the active citizens of the eUSA in the month of May:

There weren’t big losses, it was a pretty quiet month.
Total balance from 1st May (1372) to 31st May (1349) = -23 people.
Balance in % = almost -2% of variation in a month.

Top day: 2 May = 1382 people.
Low day: 21 May = 1341 people

May mean = 1356 active citizens.

As I said before, if we look just May, the population decreased a bit, but when we compare May with the previous months, we notice a big increase of the mean population:

The average population of May is the highest of the last nine months, it counts 26 people more than April and it even reaches 80 more than some previous months.

Next graphic represents the percentage of Americans in the world :

In May eUSA citizens finally reached the 2.9 % of the worldwide population.

As usual, I put here also the graphic of the full time I’m checking the number of citizens:

In the previous article Paul Proteus asked about a comparison between the votes and the total citizens in the election days, so I decided to change the last graphic about votes, adding in it also the rest of the population bar, so you can have a visual idea about how many real people vote in the big “sea” of the total virtually active citizens:

Votes for presidents are in dark blue, votes for congress are in orange, and the rest of light blue bar represents the quantity of “active” citizens that did not casted a vote.
In May, 334 people of 1370 voted for President, and 340 of 1344 voted for Congress.
In percentage the votes are 24 and 25 % of the total population, a pretty high number, compared to the previous election days, when they were usually around 23 %.

I hope my connection does not leave me again, cause I want to collect enough data to write an article for June. In the meantime I let you this serious girl. Good luck!