eUSA population - March 2020

Day 4,515, 07:40 Published in USA USA by Mister Y

Good morning everyone. I updated my information about the USA population of the game with the new month just finished. The graphic represents the active citizens of March, day by day:

The Spring has begun, the quarantine has begun too, and the effect shows itself: last 10 days of March the population increased every day.

Total balance from 1st March (1280) to 31st March (1284) = +4 people.
Balance in % : practically 0 % of variation in a month.

Top day: 31 March = 1284 people.
Low day: 7 March = 1252 people.

March mean = 1265 active citizens.

Next graphic compares the average population of the last seven months:

The beginning of March was marked by a fast decrease of population: eUSA lost almost 30 active citizens in just 6 days. The numbers were recovered in the end of month only, so the average of the March appears really low. The average population of March counts 20 people less than February, 6 people less than January, 13 people less than December and November, and 41 people less than October and September.

This is the percentage of Americans in the world.

After a great February, we went back to the usual average of the previous months, under the 2.8 % of the worldwide population.

This graphic represents the population trend in eUSA in the last half year:

In the end, like I did February, I want to put the graphic about total votes in Presidential and Congress elections of eUSA. Many players say this graphic better represents the real active citizens of America. And it seems they are just the 26 % of the “total active citizens” we can see in the game.

In March 330 citizens voted for CP elections and 311 voted for Congress, compared to theoretical numbers of 1262 and 1261. This don’t show differences with previous months.

I think it’s all for now. I hope we can meet again in the next month, stay safe and enjoy the quarantine, I don’t think a stuff like this will happen again in a life.