eUSA population - August 2020

Day 4,668, 05:22 Published in USA USA by Mister Y

Good morning everyone. Sadly August seems already finished, and I publish the article of the USA population in eRepublik. Now it’s a full year with these stats!
The first graphic represents the active citizens checked every day of the month:

Like in the last three months, the population still decreased a little.

Total balance from 1st August (1264) to 31th August (1255) = -9 people.
Balance in % : almost -1 % of population in a month.

Top days: 3 and 9 August = 1268 people.
Low day: 25 August = 1248 people.

August mean = 1256 active citizens.

Next graphic compares the average population of the last 12 months:

This month has the lowest average population of the year: it counts 48 people less than July, 86 less than June and 100 less than May.

In the other countries the things are even worse: if you see the percentage of Americans in the world you can understand that the worldwide population is decreasing even faster than the USA population:

Despite the loss of active people, during the month of August the citizens of the United States went back to the 2.9 % of the e-world citizens.

This graphic represents the population trend in eUSA in the last 12 months:

And at last this is the graphic about the votes in Presidential and Congress elections of eUSA, compared to total active citizens.

Votes for presidents are in dark blue, votes for congress are in orange, and the rest of light blue bar represents the quantity of “active” citizens that did not casted a vote.
In August, 309 people of 1263 voted for President, and 326 of 1248 voted for Congress.
In percentage the votes are 24 % and 26 % , a bit higher than the previous months.

Thanks all who read, endorse, vote, subscribe and comment my article!