Entry #1- Introduction

Day 1,678, 10:22 Published in Japan Republic of China (Taiwan) by Reisen Udongen Inaba

おはようございます/Good Morning, people of eJapan.

I would like to take a moment of your time to introduce myself and my newspaper..

First to note(Due to admins suspetion, I was forced to recreate my eRepublik account 😑, my apologies to everyone confused about this)

Well anywho, as you notice my in game name is ReisenUdogne. I am known as Reisen/Reisen` on irc and forums. I have been a member of this interesting community for about 45+ days now. But, I mostly stayed in a tiny group of 5 very nice people from my military unit and party until I finally decided to visit the official irc channel, #nippon and #myu to chat with others outside of my military unit that are also part of this eCountry xD.

That #nippon channel is not as bad from what I hear 😛.

Please excuse my pictures by the way, I want to keep the article (text+pics) I believe it can attract more readers that way.

Moving on.
I joined eRepublik from the request of a certain Rice >///<. first i was going to maybe lurk around on this game until my interest for it falls in which would completely stop> logging on 😛. But, after reading all the nice and somewhat silly articles from the eJapanese people day by day made my interest for this little community go up. Who knows, I might even decide to run for congress in eJapan......maybe 😛.

(I have also decided to become more active, create a newspaper and write this article because of that certain food)

Now for this newspaper, I still have no idea what I will write about in my future articles. A couple friends gave me some suggestions that I did like a lot and appreciate their help. It involved mostly just role play. But, I am still not sure anyone will care much about that and therefore will not read my articles at all xD. eh, something will come to me in due time.

For now I will end this introduction and hope everyone that actually read it had enjoyed it 😁.
A tl;did not care to read version of this article: Hello I am ReisenUdogne and it is a plessure to meet you all 🙂.

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