Elite Citizen

Day 3,053, 11:07 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Starac202
Mike Oldfield - Tubular bells II (Live in Edinburgh castle) 1992

The Guard is a SAF elite unit which continues an almost two-century longtradition of guard units.

Dear citizens of the eNetherlands,

Early this morning I became an Elite Citizen of eRepublik.

Unfortunately I’m not able to treat as I did when my FB album 241st Fighter Bomber Squadron Tigers, 98th Air Force Brigade, Air Force and Air Defence, Serbian Armed Forces, was shared by the FB page of Serbian MoD and Armed Forces on my 56th birthday, 22-09-2015; > 2k likes. 😉

Two weeks later leaving eSerbia; gave away large amounts of weapons, didn’t want to feel like betraying them.

Then becoming Titan and Citizen of the eNetherlands on the same day.

Total 1,100 Q7 weapons = about 20,000 NLG. Now I’m a Proletarian and Freedom Fighter, feel FREE and HAPPY. 😁

After firing 10 experimental articles from the series Math: Military vs Computer (and other) Structures, I invited some people to like my page A Division Alpha Tester.

This weekend I’ve reached 30 likes and statistics opened. Beautiful! 😎

Couple of days ago FB page of 11 Airmobile Brigade | Royal Netherlands Army
11 Luchtmobiele Brigade (aaslt) "7 december" liked one post on my page. It was about them of course. 😇

Recently update😛

Short description
Page about International Security
International Cooperation and Force Interoperability of Serbian Armed Forces www.vs.rs

Page is still in the development phase and is not aiming at popularity, but quality and tends to be of educational character.

Long description
The name of the page will be changed in the near future. “A Division Alpha Tester” is a work-name for the Test-phase.
International Security | Interoperability...

Would like to follow debates on the forum and get involved in eRepublik society, but I’m too exhausted. 😁; No harry as I’m concerned.

11 Airmobile Brigade is a rapidly deployable light infantry combat unit. Airmobile soldiers move around on foot or in light vehicles, as well as by helicopters.

11 Air Manoeuvre Brigade

When operating in concert with Defence Helicopter Command, 11 Airmobile Brigade and Defence Helicopter Command together are called 11 Air Manoeuvre Brigade (11 AM😎. 11 AMB is able to conduct operations under a wide range of circumstances. These operations include peace missions, counterterrorism operations and crisis management operations. This highly mobile brigade can be deployed anywhere in the world within 20 days, and smaller units even within seven days.

Red beret

Airmobile soldiers wear a red beret, the international sign of paratroops and airborne troops.

Mahavishnu Orchestra - 1975 Visions of the Emerald

Moment to promote myself to a higher Military rank. 😎

Eerste-Luitenant Starac202 | Koninklijke Marechaussee
Lieutenant Starac202 | Royal Netherlands Marechaussee

Lieutenant (abbreviated Lt., LT, LTA, Lieut., LEUT and LEUT.) is a junior commissioned officer in many nations' armed forces, fire service or police.

The only person I communicate with besides my psychiatrically nurse:

67 years old.

Legendary Special Operations Forces (SOF) Instructor
Professor of physical education Milan Vukelic,
Captain 1st Class in retirement, born in 1948.

Black belt 3rd Day for judo, 5th Day for jiu-jitsu, higher sport trainer for judo and instructor in alpinist climbing, started practising judo in 1965 at the Non-commissioned officer’s school in Sarajevo.

Military Police sins his 19th.

MP Special Purpose Battalion Cobras - Serbian Armed Forces

Special Brigade - Serbian Army
- 63rd Parachute Battalion
- 72nd Reconnaissance-Commando Battalion
- MP Antiterrorist Battalion Falcons

My great inspiration, encouragement and the only true (Facebook) friend,
the First Serbian Vidovdan Knight. His motto:


Honorary member of my Facebook group
Special Operation Forces (SOF) International Security


11 Airmobile Brigade - Royal Netherlands Army

16 Air Assault Brigade - British Army

De Commandant Koninklijke Marechaussee voert het bevel over de Koninklijke Marechaussee. Dat doet hij namens het gezag: de ministeries van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties, Buitenlandse Zaken, Veiligheid en Justitie en Defensie.

Sinds 5 november 2015 is luitenant-generaal Harry van den Brink Commandant Koninklijke Marechaussee.

Royal Netherlands Marechaussee

Commando Corps - Royal Netherlands Army
Marine Corps - Royal Netherlands Navy

**** Netherlands Chief of Defence - Commandant der Strijdkrachten
**** Serbian Chief of General Staff - Начелник Генералштаба Војске Србије

Picture😛 Serbian Armed Forces | General Staff Units | the Guard
DAF AND SAF | A Division Alpha Tester

- International Security
- Force Interoperability

Partnership for Peace (PfP)
Partnership tools

Old Man | Starac202 | Alpha Tester Media
Military attaché | Militair attaché | Vojni izaslanik
Intelligence Reconnaissance on the Facebook 😎

Special Forces in Business
Commando Business Club