Elections : results and future

Day 2,178, 07:31 Published in Ireland Ireland by Cry of Banshee

Before all, i wish to congratulate Bhane for his election, and rikkian,our new MoD 😉

I want to say i am totally happy of my campaign and by the results :

- Without any official support,
- Against one of the most famous Irishman
- Against the support, to Bhane, of 4 major parties

---> 28.15% of the citizens showed they wanted a changing.

So no i hope Bhane, who is a wise player, will not ignore this call.

One other good point : 135 votes ! 19 more than last elections, although we lost 100 actives players in ireland, it's significant to not forget this !

And naturally, a big thank you to all who trusted me ! these elections motivate me for the future of Ireland, and i will continue to do my best around you.

So what's the future for me? grow my new party : the left hand of ireland

i invite all players without party, who didn't trust or care the politic before, to join my banner !

It's better to proclaim his displeasure than remain silent.

And all other players who want a changing : join us now !


like i do with my MU, the banshees, be sure i will do my best with the left hand of Ireland 🙂

thank you a lot again, players who accepted to be part of my cabinet, players who PM me their support and all who saw me as CP !


ps : edited by the demand of RTK, their votes are their votes.