Eire Aontaithe Supports Irishbhoy1967 of Labour

Day 957, 18:39 Published in Ireland Ireland by Bristel Akina

Good evening and morning, mo chairde,

I want to announce Éire Aontaithe's support for Irishbhoy1967 of the Labour Party.

I believe that is a hard working, a strong leader, and an asset to our country.

Good luck Irishbhoy, and I urge my fellow party members to vote for Irishbhoy tomorrow (day 95😎.

Let's make sure that Mr. Presidential-Candidate-Who-Shall-Not-Be- Named doesn't get elected.

I want to thank the candidates and friends of candidates who came up to me directly to ask for my support... I am sorry if I couldn't support your candidate this time, but who knows, maybe next month...

--Bristel Akina, Party President of Éire Aontaithe