DRP Update of the Week

Day 2,203, 14:03 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by lancer450

Dear readers,

It’s time for another Dutch Revolutionary Party update! 🙂 Let’s get to it!

A Growing Movement

Over the past few days, our party has increased in membership finally brining our total number of party members into the double digits! This is a great moment for the Revolution! Our party is more active than ever before and we are seeing the results! We hope this growth shall continue and, optimistically, look forward to the future – a future in which the DRP will have much greater influence in government and giving our members a voice in shaping the destiny of this country!

If you would like to join the Dutch Revolutionary Party and be a part of this growing movement, all you have to do is click here to join! We would love to have you and welcome you all!

I, personally, would also like to thank each and every member of our party for taking the chance of joining a new party like the DRP and discovering just how unique, active, and fun our little party is. Thanks everyone!

Congress Election

On the 25th of November, through the support of the Dutch People’s Party, our party managed to elect our very first congress member ever! Congratulations Lugiegreen! You have been doing very well representing us in the legislature thus far and we know you will continue to do a fantastic job. Thanks to the Dutch People’s Party for allowing us to run a candidate on your ballot and congratulations on your great showing during the election!

Our other candidate in the election, a great player by the name of Schoft and the current Secretary General of our party, was to be on the ballot as well and was to be running under on the banner of Iron and Wine. However, some last minute movements by members of several parties resulted in Iron and Wine being locked out of the election. I express my sympathies for what happened and would still like to give a big thank you to Iron and Wine for permitting Schoft to run on your ballot. You guys are great and we really appreciate it!

CP Election
The election to decide who will be our next Country President is just around the corner. The two candidates standing for election on the 5th of December are Garmr and M. de Ruyter. Both candidates have a lot of experience in government in the eNetherlands and it’s looking like it will be an exciting election.

Here at the Dutch Revolutionary Party, it appears no one from within the party had a desire to stand for election this month and we will instead be holding a vote to decide whom our party is going to support. Both candidates have submitted statements and those along with any publications regarding their CP platforms will be presented to our party members for them to decide who we believe is the right person for the job.

We wish both candidates luck and we will update everyone on the results as soon as we come to a consensus!

That’s it for this week’s update! Please vote, comment, shout, and subscribe! 😃

Thanks for reading,

DRP Vice Party President

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