Dropping Bad Habits and Other Ventures

Day 1,748, 14:37 Published in Canada Canada by Walter H. White

eRepublik is a drug, and I'm witty because my new persona is based on a fictional bona fide drug lord.

Huzzah, I suppose, I'm back in the crazy fold, and as always, reborn, dropping the old facade and putting up a new one. The last time, I was The Dude, this time, I'm Walter White. Who knows, next time, I may end up being a friggin Pharaoh, or Darth Vader.

Either way, in a way, it's good to be back, guys. The last time I've left, I didn't send you all my thank you's, and I feel like this would be the time. First off, I would've never started writing were it not for this game. Today, I'm a contributor on an ESPN TrueHoop Network blog. So there, thank ya for reading.

Now, back to business. I'm back, which means I'll probably be running for President again next month. That record of failed runs for CP isn't going to break itself, you know. And I think I'm at like 9 by now.

So... Cheers, good luck, and good night.

Adasko/John Cleese/J. Lebowski and now... Walter H. White