Day 1,662 - War Update

Day 1,662, 21:16 Published in Australia Netherlands by lancer450

Update #2: Fight to liberate Victoria from the Kiwis! Vive le Australie libre!

Update #1: Kiwi forces have launched an attack on ANOTHER Aussie region! Don't let South Australia fall!

Juice the Kiwis!

Hello Australia and fellow Aussies!

Today is the 8th of June, 2012. It is Day 1,662 of the New World, and here is your war report:

North America
Currently, there is nothing going on in this continent. Canada and the States are completely whole and Mexico has control over all of their regions, excluding Baja, which is held by the USA. Boring. xD

South America
Mexico have managed to fight their way south and have been able to claim the region of Caribe e Insular. Venezuela has found their way back on to the map due to Indonesia’s invasion of Colombia, who has been reduced to a single region. This has resulted in Brozil and Indonesia sharing a border and has now led to a war between these two countries.

Chile have found their way back on to the map after being wiped by Argentina, and because of all of this tumult in this continent, there has been consequences wrought on other parts of the globe. TEDEN forces have been severely strained and, at this moment, ONE seems to have the upper hand. This could change as time progresses.

This continent is just as boring as North America. South Africa and Brozil continue to maintain healthy relations. Greece has taken Upper and Middle Egypt along with the region of Red Sea Coast, and as of the writing of this article, they are easily conquering the region of Western Desert. The Egyptians provide no real challenge towards their Greek overlords. 😉

New Zealand have been successful in regaining their original regions of Canterbury and Wellington, as well as being able to take our native region of Victoria. Get ready fellow Aussies! Every Kiwi must perish due this horrible offence committed against the Fatherland! o7

Argentina still holds the regions of Otago and Auckland, though, New Zealand has started a RW to reclaim the former; a campaign which is currently tied at one battle a piece.

Malaysia and the Philippines have begun RW’s to regain their respective regions from Indonesian forces whilst Japan has recently become nearly whole, except for the region of Chugoku, alongside North Korea who has yet to claim their final region of Kangwon. Because China have been so busy with their war in Europe and maintaining their presence there, North Korean forces have been able to take advantage and made a comeback that will undoubtedly be a fleeting campaign, which will ultimately result in their being wiped once more. On a side note, South Korea has been able to regain merely one region from Taiwan, the region of Jeju. Russia’s still gigantic and doing great on their Asian front and India is doing quite well.

Middle East
Pakistan has returned to the map with the region of Balochistan and Iran is whole once more. Iran has also taken Fujairah and Dubai from the UAE. Turkey has been consumed by Bulgaria. Greece, Cyprus, and Israel have divvied up Saudi Arabia’s former provinces quite easily amongst themselves. Israel has also recently declared FYROM as their NE in order to aid their allies.

Over the last week and a half, China has made their way from South America, up through Spain, and they are now holding on to their last European region, Campania, in Italy. Serbia and Slovenia has nearly all other Italian regions whilst Albania is holding on to their last remaining original province. FYROM has engulfed Greece save for Thessaly, Thrace, Attica, and the Aegean Islands. Germany has been broken up and Western Europe now looks exactly like a Roman mosaic. Poland has left quite a large pink blemish on the world map, France has been reduce to a total of seven provinces, the UK and Ireland have succeeded in upholding their treaty with little problems, Switzerland recently had some problems with their German neighbours, Hungary has been driven back from France and maintain only their original regions, and Finland has been warring with Latvia. It’s a very typically heated and complex day for Europe.

And that is your war report for Day 1,662 of the New World!

-Your humble war correspondent, lancer450… signing off!