Dai che mi bannano di nuovo!!

Day 1,534, 05:20 Published in Italy Italy by Cris.94
Come da titolo, vi spiego subito il perché del mio probabile futuro ban per multiple account.

Premetto che non concedo cittadinanze in cambio di gold, ma farsi mandare gold da un serbo "promettendogli" di dargli la cittadinanza è un'altra cosa.

Questa è la messaggistica:

Koya.100K to Cris.94 | 14 hours ago
I am applying for Italian citizenship. I am looking for someone who would approve it. Would you?

Cris.94 to Koya.100K | 13 hours ago
send me 1 gold, i'll accept you and you'll send me an other gold, ok?

Koya.100K to Cris.94 | 13 hours ago
OK. Sounds fair. I can risk 1 gold, you can earn 1 more 🙂

Koya.100K to Cris.94 | 13 hours ago
A friend of mine paid for CS and the guy cheated on him. And the friend of mine came with a nice solution: he created several multies accounts and reported the guy for administering multiple accounts. I liked that.

See you soon 😉

Cris.94 to Koya.100K | 17 minutes ago
where is the problem??
i haven't any other account
bye bye

A questo punto controllo le notifiche:

Koya.100K has transfered 10 GOLD to your account.

Dopodiché naturalmente, prima di vederemi bannato mando un ticket agli admin:

the player Koya.100k http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/5424201
blackmail me.

He sent me this message:
"A the friend of mine came with a nice solution: he created several multies accounts and reported the guy for administering multiple accounts. I liked that.

See you soon 😉"

than he send me 10 gold and now i think he'll report me with a lot of his account

Pensavo che la cosa finisse così ma invece Cptmartin mi fa notare questo: http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/5617011
creato col mio nome e col mio referr.
Ditemi quello che volete ma non sono tanto stupido da fare fake col mio nome.

Così rimando il ticket agli admin:

ten minute ago i sent this ticket:
the player Koya.100k http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/5424201
blackmail me.

He sent me this message:
"A the friend of mine came with a nice solution: he created several multies accounts and reported the guy for administering multiple accounts. I liked that.

See you soon 😉"

than he send me 10 gold and now i think he'll report me with a lot of his account.

Now the same player, i think, created a player with my referr and with my name

Adesso vediamo come va a finire.
Di certo non vi chiedo di aiutarmi, o di mandare ticket agli admin, anzi credo che qualcuno manderà addirittura ticket contro di me per assicurarsi che io venga bannato.

Una cosa però voglio chiarire, da quando sono Cris.94 non ho mai creat fake!!