CRISIS??!! Time to earn money (ENG/HR)

Day 1,523, 08:32 Published in Croatia Croatia by resoperka

HRVATSKI PRIJEVOD počinje na polovici stranice

After successfull article about small changes that (could) improve erep (700votes+200new subsribers) i return on subjects how to help players to earn some money on market. I am writing impelled by last "crisis" or shocks on market that are result of Platos decision to remove toolboxes. Lot of raw, small storages + small BOT activity resulted with depresion of prices of all products. This situations when people panic is great to earn some money. Sooner you start, you ll get more cause with every new hour people start to be aware of BOT prices.

NOTE : Article is dealing with numbers in HRKs but it is applicable in most economies in erepublik. You will get some basics and ideas how to get some money even if you are not superduper active player and you are aware of all "mechanisms of the game"

Crises?? Only for dummies 😉. These times are idael to earn easy money. I ll bring up couple of different ways (short/long term investments), without too much complications, investing on monetary market prices etc. etc... There are some ways to earn more money, but they are for those who are deeply into game, have free time to monitor lot of changes on various markets but i ll skip that parts. This is article for begginers and those who doesn't want to ask extra money for tanks and food from others.

To understand some things you have to know that most products are not bought from players but from imaginary Plato's drunken millioner friend that we like to call - BOT. He comes and clean some stuff from the market every hour at cca xy:50 (sometimes he is late for couple of minutes) and buy certain % of products from market. Key thing for you is to know at which prices he buy off products so you can buy cheaper ones and then sell it to him. that is pretty easy, i.e. if cheapest raw material is let's say 0,12 you set your offer at 0,17. if he doesn't buy it you just lower the price on 0,16 before next arrival... also you can open offers of people at xy:48 and then check their offers 5 minutes later. by ammount difference you ll see at which price he buys off.

Easy money is there, you just have to pick it up

Of course, you have to have some money to invest so you can earn some more. New players have decent and fast influx of gold that you can change in for local currency. Older players should have some amount from recent medals or land. So, let's see those few simple ways :

1. EARNING MONEY ONCE per HOUR – trading with food raw material (frm)

Prerequisites :
- larger storages (if you don't have them - then you have to connect on internet more often)
- smaller amount of money (1200 HRK in this case)
- patiente
- assumption that prices of BOT buying raw will be more/less stabile

Possible profit if you don't have your own farms - 300-400 HRK per day (0,5 gold)

FACT no.1 (prices written were actual on 20/01/2012 aka 1522erep day) - BOT bought frm at 0,14 HRK, around 400-500 pieces every hour

So assumption is that your own land production is low so you can sell all raw in 24h period. Lot of players are not aware that BOT buys products at prices that are usually higher then lowest offer available, some players just have too much products and have to sell it at lower price, and third ones just need some fresh fast so they put products at lower prices- the are all your chance. In this case, it's worth for you to buy frm at any price lower then 0,14 HRK. you go to market and see lot of such offers

So, BOT can buy from you around 11000 units of frm per day. If you buy that amount of frm at average price of 0,11 HRK your investment is 1210 HRK. As you are selling it for 0,14, your income is 1540 HRKs - your profit is 330 HRKs (currently it is equivalent of 15 q6 tanks in eCroatia)
Risk is really small, your investment also and profit is, thanks to BOT, assured. With those tanks you can finish your daily order and win bazooka and energy bar for free - YOU DON'T DEPEND ON ANYONE
If your storages are small, and you can't buy lot of products at once, you have to connect somewhat more often and renew your offers on market


Prerequisites :
- you have to have license for selling products on another market
- larger storages (if you don't have them - then you have to connect on internet more often)
- smaller amount of money
- short check on monetary market so you can see does it worth to sell in specific country

At the beginning - it is not worth to pay for license only cause of this way. i am writing for those who already has licences or have free ones from org's. In the times of "stability" on market this way is not profitable so much (if at all)

I ll write of mine experience in eIreland (i have their license) although i believe there are more profitable ones around, you just have to check it

Settings :
- BOT is buying raw at 0,36 IEP (after import taxes you have 0,33 IEP), around 250 raw units per hour (let's say around 5000 units per day)
- 1 gold = 1250 IEP (although it was 1100 IEP yesterday so that made this trade more profitable), this is important part cause your profit/loss depends on this. so, take pencil and calculate (it's easy really, check it later)
- 1 gold = 700 HRK

You buy 5000 frm for 550 HRK (0,77 gold) and put it on eirish market. Income from it is 1650 IEP which you exhange for 1,32 gold on monetary market. That gold you can then change for your local currency. IN this case - you get 937 HRK which means almost 400HRKs of clear profit and new tanks/food you need. of course, if you have more licences, it is possible to make bigger profit cause you can sell it on more markets at same time


is based on idea that you buy it at cheaper prices (now, time of "crises") and sell in future when prices rise again.

Prerequisites :
- larger amount of local currency
- patiente

Assumption is that BOT will increase in buying products in near future and that one nice sunny day prices will return to old values, you ll make advantage of that and sell him your products with large profit. you have to be aware that - that day might never come (if not you can use those food and wep). Although i strongly believe it will
Profit is not coming fast (it is long term investment) like at frm, but you have to wait prices to grow again and then act (low prices of food/wep are not only result of last toolbox changes but also cause BOT lowered it's buying)
here are some actual prices
Q1 wep – 3,50 HRK (although there are under 3,00)
Q2 wep – 7,00 HRK (same here, you can also find it cheaper)
Q1 food – 0,30 HRK
Q2 food – 0,55 HRK

Prices couple weeks ago
Q1 wep – 5,3 HRK (after taxes you have 4,69HRK)
Q2 wep – 10,9 HRK (9,65 )
Q1 food – 0,55 HRK (0,49)
Q2 food – 1,04 HRK (0,92)

Plato announced some changes, and we don't know what and when will it happen and will prices grow again. These are speculations andit is up to you to stock some food and weaponp and take risk for some future (possible) profit

That much for this time, hope you had benefit from this article

Please Vote and subscribe if you didn't so far, and add me as a friend if you want new article directly on your wall

And my last request, please SHOUT this to your friends. It is best add i can get, and if you are lazy you just have to copy this in space for shouting


thanks for reading

Sea is drowning sailors and those who live on the shore are drown in sorrow

Nakon iznimno uspješnog teksta o malim promjenama za dobrobit erepublika (700+ votova i preko 200 novih subscribera) ide još jedan tekst o načinima zarade, ovog puta ga pišem ponukan ovim oscilacijama na marketu, a ide i s nekim konkretnijim brojkama

PANIKA!!! PANIKA!!! Većinu igrača zahvatila je panika zadnjih nekoliko dana otkad je naš dragi budući dobitnik enobelove nagrade za eekonomiju Plato najavio ukidanje toolboxova i praktički natjerao gomilu igrača da ih iskoristi. Uz manji otkup BOTa nakon praznika, malih skladišta došlo je do naglih sniženja cijena na marketu – IDEALNOG vremena za zaradu onima koji imaju volje za to.

Kriza? Samo za neznalice 😉 . Baš ovakvi šokovi omogućuju laku zaradu.
Sad ću navesti nekoliko načina kako zaraditi dodatni novac, bez puno kompliciranja, traženja po monetary marketu, bijesnom aktivnošću i poznavanju „mehanizama ove igre“. Naravno, postoje načini da se zaradi puno više i brže, al ja pišem članak za početnike, te za one koji ne žele gubiti puno vremena i živaca a isto tako ne žele žicati tenkove i hranu od drugih.
Za shvaćanje nekih stvari, možda bi bilo dobro baciti pogled na jedan moj raniji tekst

čisto da se shvati uloga BOTa i da se upoznate s nekim činjenicama.
Novac je tu, samo ga treba pokupiti

Naravno, trebate neki početni kapital da bi mogli okretati novac. Novi igrači bi trebali imati lijep i brz priliv golda koje mogu zamijeniti za kune, a stariji već znaju kako uštedjeti 5-10 golda od medalja. Pa da vidimo par jednostavnih načina :

1. ZARADA NOVCA SVAKIH SAT VREMENA – trgovanje food raw materialom (nazivimo ga žito za ovu priliku)

Preduvjeti :
- Veća skladišta (ukoliko ih nemate onda malo češće spajanje na internet)
- Manja količina novca (1200 kn u ovom trenutku)
- Strpljenje
- Pretpostavka da se cijena otkupa ne snižava (tu imate mali rizik)
Moguća zarada - (ako nemate vlastitu proizvodnju 300 do 400 HRK dnevno)

ČINJENICA 1 (vrijedi za jučerašnji dan 20/01/2012 aka 1522erep dan) - BOT je otkupljivao žito po 0,14 – 0,15 HRK, po 400-500 komada svaki sat.

Znači, pretpostavka je da nemate svoju proizvodnju (ili da je dovoljno mala). Puno ljudi ne zna da BOT otkupljuje žito po većoj cijeni pa stavlja onu najnižu na marketu,a neki igrači imaju veliku proizvodnju, pa dio moraju prodavati po nižim cijenama. Vama se isplati kupiti žiti po bilo kojoj cijeni manjoj od one koju je BOT postavio (recimo 0,14). Odlazite na market i vidite da ima pregršt ponuda

Bot znači dnevno može od vas otkupiti cca 11 000 jedinica žita. Ukoliko vi kupite tu količinu žita na marketu po prosječnoj cijeni od 0,11 (iako možete i pronaći i dio za 0,09 i 0,10) ulažete 1210HRK. A postavite na prodaju za 0,14 HRK, imate prihod od 1540 HRK – odnosno čistu zaradu od 330 HRK ili 15 q6 tenkova
Rizik je zbilja nizak, ulog mali a zarada zahvaljujući BOTu, osigurana. Uz pomoć tih 15 tenkova, rješavate dnevnu zapovijed i dobijate bazuku i čokoladicu gratis
Ukoliko imate mala skladišta i ne možete odmah kupiti veliku količinu žita, to radite tijekom dana nekoliko puta i obnavljate svoju ponudu.


Preduvjeti :
- morate posjedovati licencu za prodaju u određenu državu
- veće skladište (ili češći odlazak na internet)
- manja količina novca
- pogled na monetary market da vidite isplati li se prodaja

Da odmah na početku razriješimo – ne isplati vam se kupovati licencu samo zbog ovoga. Ovo pišem za one koji imaju već postojeće licence ili neiskorištene iz doba orgova. U vremenima „stabilnosti“ ne možete računati na ovakvu zaradu

Pisat ću o svom iskustvu u eIrskoj jer igrom slučaja imam njihovu licencu iako vjerujem da ima država koje su puno isplativije. Pokušajte na chatu saznati od ljudi koje su to i kakva su im iskustva.
Postavke :
- BOT otkupljuje po 0,36 IEP (vama nakon poreza ostaje 0,33 IEP), cca 250 komada po satu – 6000 komada dnevno 8iako ja u računici uzimam količinu od 5000 dnevno)
- 1 gold = 1250 IEPa (jučer je bilo 1100 IEP i zarada je bila znatno veća), ovo je bitna stavka jer cifra puno skače. Što je količina IEPa veća, vaša zarada se smanjuje, a može i preći u gubitak ako kupite gold po nepovoljnim uvjetima zato – olovku u ruke i oprez
- 1 gold = 700 HRK (danas je i 710. što je bolje za vas)

5000 žita kupite za 550 HRK (0,77 golda) i stavite ga na irsko tržište. Dobiveni iznos je nakon što ga BOT otkupi je 1650 IEP (1,32 golda). Taj dobijeni gold mijenjate za kune (ukoliko vam trebaju) i sad imate 937 HRK. Znači, tek nešto manje od čistih 400 HRK i novih 15ak tenkova. Dobra stvar je što možete paralelno prodavati raw na dva tržišta (ili više ako imate licence)


Ovim pitanjem se bavim u već navedenom tekstu. Sad je idealno vrijeme za kupnju jer su cijene zbilja smiješne.
Preduvjeti :
- veća količina kuna
- strpljivost

Pretpostavka je da će BOT ponovo pojačati kupnju i da će se jednog lijepog erep dana cijene vratit na staro a vi to iskoristit i zaraditi velike novce. Naravno, ako se to ne desi (iako dosad bot ciklički raste i pada) – imate puno skladište robe koju ćete iskoristiti.
Zarada ne dolazi odmah kao kod žita, nego morate čeklati da cijene ponovo narastu (niske cijene ovih proizvoda nisu toliko povezane s cijenom raw materijala, nego smanjenim otkupom bota)
Evo usporedbe cijene sada
Q1 wep – 3,50 HRK (iako ima i puno jeftinije)
Q2 wep – 7,00 HRK (iako ima i jeftinije)
Q1 hrana – 0,30 HRK
Q2 hrana – 0,55 HRK
itd... itd... ne da mi se ostale kvalitete al znate kako to ide

Q1 wep – 5,3 HRK (nakon poreza vama ostaje 4,69HRK)
Q2 wep – 10,9 HRK (9,65 čistih)
Q1 hrana – 0,55 HRK (0,49 nakon oporezivanja)
Q2 hrana – 1,04 HRK (0,92 nakon poreza)

Plato je najavio neke promjene, i pitanje je što će se desiti i da li će se više vraćati ovakve cijene. Ovo su zapravo špekulacije, i na vama je da li želite preuzeti rizik i nakupovati robe pa pričekati koji tjedan i pokušati ih plasirati za veći novac.

Eto toliko za ovaj put, nadam se da ste imali koristi od teksta.

Dajte Vote i pretplatite se na novine ukoliko niste dosad, dodajte me za prijatelja ako želite svježi broj na vašem zidu.

I još samo shoutajte ovo vašim prijateljima. Shout je ipak najbolja reklama i tekst se najbrže širi zato ne budite lijeni i kopirajte ovo te obavijestite prijatelje

KRIZA?! vrijeme je za zaradu:


Gorancro ima videotutorijal za ebebe. Dobar način za pomoć onima koji žele točno pogledati što i kako prvih dana na erepu. Nešto slično mom prijašnjem članku o ebebama.

more utapa mornare a tuga one koji žive na kopnu