CPF Strong and Reliable Leadership

Day 1,793, 23:44 Published in Canada Sweden by Master Lobban Le Rub Klitoris

....................VOTE CPF FOR STRONG AND RELIABLE LEADERSHIP....................


Greetings eCanada and fellow members of the CPF,

On the 25th we will all head back to the polling stations to usher in a new congress once again. I intend on running and should I be successful this will be my first foray into Canadian politics.

So what can you expect from me as an elected representative?

First of all you can expect involvement. I take my roll seriously and wont flake off or simply cast votes in game. I'll be present for forum votes and discussion and be a productive member of the group.

Secondly I bring experience. While this is my first time running in Canada I have served in congress 17 times and have a good grasp on the mechanics of the game. I understand the importance of working as a group and not acting as a lone wolf.

Third. I pledge to uphold the seven tenets of the Canadian Progressive Front which in turn binds me to providing the best possible service to the citizens of this nation.

What can you expect from a CPF majority in congress?

You can expect a continuation of mature, responsible government for our nation. A commitment to financial transparency and a clear path for our future with renewed commitment to Canadas traditional allies.

Our numbers continue to swell and with that comes a great deal of responsibility. Being the top party in any country can sometimes be their undoing. It's an inevitability that new and seldom active players tend to gravitate to the number one party. Here at the CPF party leaders are doing everything they can to make sure we do not become complacent. Initiatives to foster activity and involvement in the party are evolving daily and judging by the level of interest in running for congress I can tell you this party is anything but stagnant. We are thriving and we are the future.

Vote CPF on Oct. 25, for strong and reliable leadership.

