Congressional Elections

Day 1,796, 19:38 Published in North Korea Nigeria by Bob Wu

It's great to have congressional elections again. The last time we had them was what, July?
To all of you undecided voters- I ask you this:
Who has made the effort to regain control of our land?
Who has pressured our president to make the right choices?
Who has helped to create the eNK media revolution?
And lastly...
Who can help lead us into a future with out corruption and discrimination?
The answer to all of these questions would be the leaders of the Commoner's Revolution... most of whom are running in the "Korean Peaple's Party". Do you really want people who never do anything taking control of the country again? After all we have accomplished, it doesn't seem right to stop now.
Elect us and I can assure you that the future will be bright.