Day 1,735, 23:06 Published in Canada USA by Derphoof

Dear Canada,

I am sorry for the irresponsibility and ineptitude of this Congress. You voted them as your representatives in government. From what I see, you deserve better. Thanks to Congress and its members’ shenanigans, we are now facing wars on two sides. This Congress has decided it knows better than anyone else when it comes to deciding Canadian policy. They deliberately disobey the CP and his policy to do whatever they feel is right. They have thrown away the regulations of Congress that keeps things orderly. They’ve caused us to be in a war with the eUK, and because of that Poland is now free to attack us as they please.

How did we get to this point? Its not any one party’s fault. Although an MDP member may have proposed the NE on the UK and the MDP may have pushed for war, the majority of each party voted for it. Venoms proposed war, the people of Canada decided to take him up on the offer as they began to beat the war drums. Now the war has completely blown up in our face. Seriously guys, we’ve gone 2 weeks without war. Is fighting for our allies not good enough? We have completely trashed our foreign image. At a time when allies need us, we start some frivolous war. I’m sure they love us right now.

Congress even passed it even though Jacobi said to vote it down. I thought we were supposed to rally behind the leadership of our CP. He was elected by the people to lead us. Who are we to say that we know better? This Congress has decided they know best and has disregarded the executive. There is a reason we have an executive. He is the one that controls foreign policy among other things. We can’t have the 40 people in Congress fighting over policies like that and proposing laws at their leisure. Its ineffective, irresponsible and inefficient. We can’t have Congress randomly proposing things that contradicts the plans and negotiations of the executive. Nor should they be proposing laws willy-nilly without care. There is a reason we have Rules and Regulations for Congress. It keeps people in line, and it makes discussion orderly. This brings me to another point.

As for the war, May Dio have mercy on our souls, for they shall have none.

In-Game article proposals are downright awful at the moment. Discussion by Congress and overall participation has been quite abysmal. I’ll be the first to admit that I voted for them. I’m game for change. However, the people proposing laws with this method have completely forgotten that they still need to follow rules and regulations. Just because you can have a discussion in game, doesn’t mean you can automatically send it to a vote in the game. In Venoms case, he told Congress that he was going to propose war regardless. At least we had some notice. However, Tyreal just kinda disregarded the rules.

In this article, he said that “As per Canadian law I will hold this article as the beginning of the 24 hour discussion period to consider the opinions of other citizens and Congressmen prior to proposing this law change in Congress.” That’s not even all of the rules. In fact, a member of Congress must second the motion. Then the article can be put to a vote. In the case of this proposal, Tyreal did no such thing. No one expressed their support for the change of tax in weapons. However he chose to disregard the rules and put his article to a vote anyways. Congress has basically adopted the mantra “I do what I want!” They prefer not to care about the Rules, the executive, or the future of Canada.

As Canada marches to war, the government coffers are drying up and we have cut MU funding. What’s a good way to fix it? Well Tyreal would propose that we lower all of our taxes! What’s that you say? Less taxes means less money for the Government to fund MU’s at times of war? Oh wow! What a simple economic principle! Thanks! Now would you mind telling Tyreal that? He seems a bit oblivious. Oh and the worst part about the situation? Isn’t tyrael supposed to be our VP? When our VP is proposing ridiculous things like this and not working with the CP, why should we trust him? Why is he our VP? We are facing two fronts of war, without much of an NE bonus. How do we expect to fight back with less resources? Answer, we can’t. We have to rely on our allies, many of which are fighting to save their own country. The whole concept of lowering taxes during a war is a farce. Its a shame that anyone would even suggest such a change.

Congress has acted in a detrimental fashion to the country this month. I’m sorry Canada, apparently Congress has forgotten how things work around here. We are supposed to cooperate for progress, not disregard everything and send us to disaster. I’m sorry Canada, Congress has lost its way and failed you.

Canada Deserves Better.
