Comment bait #2

Day 2,523, 09:36 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by VoodooMike71

I should be delighted that my Comment bait #1 article did exactly what it set out to achieve - in record time. But I’m not; I’m mildly depressed by it.


Anyway, enough of that nonsense - let’s get straight on with part two of this ridiculous endeavour - attracting 25 comments to a second article.

Obviously last time I used a shameless borderline pornographic gif to … ahem … achieve the desired effect. And in doing so, I promised further … ahem … satisfaction in article 2. And this is article 2.

So without further ado, sit down, strap in, gird your loins and prepare yourself for a quantifiable improvement over the quality of the previous comment bait.


Then let’s begin…

Did you see that? Not one but TWO borderline pornographic gifs! One of which involves besequined and temporarily weightless shirt potatoes bumping into the camera! Just … wow!

So there you have it. The end of another blatant comment bait article. This one was, as promised, significantly more … ahem … fulfilling than the previous one, chiefly because there are two gifs of the same lovely lady instead of one.

But has it been fulfilling enough? Only you can decide, but I’d suggest possibly not. Which means you’ll have to convince me to produce a third article that reaches maximum satisfaction. I may be open to such persuasion through the conveniently competition-finishing method of comments on this article. Shall we say … oh I don’t know … 25 individual requests for maximum satisfaction should do the trick? Yes, let’s. (Unless you want to disagree of course, in which case all complaints … ahem … placed in the comments below will be given due consideration).

Thanks y’all.

(PS I’m still really really sorry about this)
(PPS I’m especially sorry to Madelina. It’s just a numbers game, and I strongly suspect that there aren’t enough laydeees and gay men playing this game to talk an alternative approach)