Comment bait #1

Day 2,520, 11:12 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by VoodooMike71

I’ve tried writing genuine articles for the poxy competition, I really have.

I’ve tried writing articles about Congress. I’ve written a recruitment article for the Royal Navy. I even created a cunning scheme to help me and 25 others crack the competition without bothering anyone else.

Have any of them got the requisite 25 comments? No they bloody haven’t.

And yet, while I’ve been diligently crafting journalistically sound masterpieces that eschew the cheap tricks and bribery other lazier authors have favoured, I’ve been watching “sod this, give me a comment and I’ll give you a tank” articles sail past the winning post and off into the distance.

Frankly, I’m disgusted by this. But I’m also realistic. Therefore, with more than a nod to the old phrase if you can’t beat them, join them, I’ve decided to lay my high morals aside and leap feet first into the cesspit of modern competition-driven journalism.

With this borderline pornographic GIF…

What’s that? You feel strangely unfulfilled after that? Well you know what to do. There’s more where that came from, but it’ll take Plato’s arbitrary 25 comments to unlock levels 2 and 3.