Cliché Congress Election Thing

Day 1,554, 22:05 Published in USA USA by Dr Heisenberg

Hello my fellow [Insert country citizens here]!
I am running in the wonderful region of [Insert region here]!
Why should you vote for me? Well that's easy!
[Insert made up online positions here]

[Insert motivational speech here]
[Insert offer to pay for moving costs (votes)]

Yah im sorry i hate writing/reading congress election articles. They are redundant boring and way too dramatic.


The most im going to do in congress is post my opinion on discussions, donate to CBO budget, sign in on the weekly check in and make sure idiots from PtH don't ruin things.

I am not elitst enough nor do i have a fancy enough title to make a difference in congress... yet!

With your help my pathway to elitst haven is set.

So vote for me in North Dakota under the USMP.
Why? Because im going to post pictures of half naked women which will stir the feelings of your insides. (also some men for my female readers)
Also to those who don't like the pictures of half naked people on articles... dont scroll down then!