CDoE on hold, TheSmoke's Mentor Program, And CAF Borders, Oh My!

Day 1,763, 19:05 Published in Canada Canada by MCMXCIlI

Greetings fellow eCanucks.

I know it's been a while, but I have been really busy. Late last month, I went through a tough breakup and became mildly recluse... I stopped writing on the paper, and only popped in to work, train, fight... That and coupled with uni, I've been severely busy.

I've decided to put the CDoE on hold until winter break, as it will be my only true free time that I will have to get everything set up and going.

TheSmoke is setting up a mentor program, and I will be aiding him with issuing CAF borders.

I will be writing an article this week, detailing exactly what I will have to offer. I'm going to still offer the original CAF border, but I will do custom recolors to the original, as well as offer my own border that you can see in my avatar.

I've never been one with using the original as is. I always found it tacky, and would always modify it, and I figured I'd give the public that option too...

These won't be just for newbies, however, as I will accept requests from every CAF member... feel free to drop me a PM..

Take er easy guys