Catalog of Economy (From A to N) - Day 1541

Day 1,541, 05:44 Published in Australia Lithuania by Oskar Schell

So, here I am again. If you haven't seen the previous catalog of Day 1540, I strongly recommend you to check it out!

Here's the format:
№.Country -- Max Job Offer(change) -- Income Tax -- Total Salary with Taxation -- Min Q5 Food Price(change) -- Number of Country's Different Resources -- Ratio
*The "change" means, how did the price change. The "+" means, the price/offer has gone up, "-" obviously means it went down, "?" means there's no information, "x" means it hasn't changed.
*Even if I said "to N" in the title, there is no Norway or North Korea. Sorry.
*These calculations and information gathering were done completely by me(cyklopas). If you find any mistakes or errors, please comment or PM me. These statistics were made for educational and financial purpose for citizens of eWorld. For this day, I will only post A-N(not including two countries starting with N). In the next days, I'm planning on making bigger lists. Thank you for taking time. No game modifications were used to enchanche the difficulity of this hard task. Also - the details are not up to date.
*On the next release you will see a new measurement - Industrial Index. I'll explain when it's out.