Canada will fight by your side.

Day 720, 22:46 Published in Malaysia Canada by Chucky Norris


As I just read what is happening now, we are on the verge of change in the new world. But this may not be a bad thing for us. Peace is getting desperate, as they are trying to hurt eden in any non conventionnal way. This lately, include declaring war on Neutral nation in the hopes that only PEACE GC TW remains. Betraying every single concept of Global community that they claimed they were founded upon. This is yet to show us how this alliance became the monster it was created to destroy.

Nevertheless, as we canadian have once felt the force of Peace ravaging our country, we know what it's like to being oppressed. We know how it feels to have your country erased from the Map, We know what the word Honor means. And thus we shall fight again, as long as it will needed to protect those who need it. This is a game yes, but standing for what is right as always been one of our priority. The current administration has always been in favor of having strong friends.

Friendship was something that existed in our relation, altought we were just observer in SOL, we we're glad that we're in it, as it has helped us maintain harmonious relation with the malaysian community. They have accepted us in their War Games and have treated us well over the numerous WG we have had with them. The benefit were enourmous as we we're able to grow and maintain a strong economy for all of our citizen. However, the indonesians would like to take that away from us.

In honor to our friendship, we will help you in whatever way we can, and if it comes to this, we will help you by deploying our Military force in the manner that will be more appropriate. However since it's right in the middle of the night here, we will have to reevaluate the situation tomorrow. But we will not let you down, be sure of this!

So, my message to you Malaysia is this.

Fight! Fight for every single part of Malaysia! Never consider surrender as an option! as country can be rebuild, Honor is Eternal!

Chucky Norris
Director of the Foreign Relation Department of Canada.