Can you paint me our nations Shambhala?

Day 1,836, 10:27 Published in USA USA by Candor
Somewhere in the high mountains of northwestern Tibet lies the ancient lost city of Shambhala...

What is Shambhala? What is the perfect place? And how do we find it?

The legend of Shambhala has it that an evil king will one day unite and rule the barbarians and wreak havoc on the world. And when this day comes, the ancient king of Shambhala will thunder down out of his perfect kingdom to restore order and peace to the world, ushering in a golden age of prosperity for all.

These legends predate Buddhist traditions, and predate, even, the arrival of Jesus’ time on earth.

But putting theology aside now, what is a perfect world? And Candor, how does this relate to eRepublik?

I want you to imagine the perfect eUnited States. Visualize a unified people, under a benevolent and just leadership. Visualize a healthy economy, and tranquil domestic prosperity.

And after a few seconds, you’ve probably questioned the fun in that, right? Whirled peas?

Did we find it, and reject it?

Man endeavors because there are obstacles to overcome, mountains to climb, wrongs to right. We struggle because we can and we must.

In the eUnited States, what are our struggles, and what are the obstacles we must overcome to achieve our goals? What is the level of Utopia that we would be happy existing within? Or would Utopia be a place where we want to reside at all?

If we are creating an eNation, what does that perfect nation look like to you? Is it universally harmonious? Or does there exist a need for challenge and struggle? Just where is the balance between harmony and challenge?

Where are we heading, as a nation? When we are there, how will we recognize it? Will we recognize it at all?

Leaders should shape our visions, and set our expectations. I’d like to see the painted vision for our nation.

Help me visualize our common goals for the next three months, six months, and one year. What does our nation look like in that place of balance between struggle and satisfaction?

We need enemies, and we need friends. We need harmony, but equally we need struggle. Paint for me that picture, that intricate tapestry.

Intrigue me, inspire me, lead me!

Are you the nations next great leader?

As we go into the final days of this months Presidential Election, ask yourself, "Who among these men is perhaps the greatest artist in our nation? Who can paint our nations picture? Who inspires my struggle?"

Who can show us Shambhala?