Cabinet March 2018

Day 3,760, 06:07 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Swiss Federal Chancellery

Dear Swiss,
I talked with many of you and have thought a lot during las 2 days and now I’ve all clear.

Here I present you this month's government team.

He has offered us his help and will help me to coordinate and manage the entire team.
Vice President and Governor Deputy Dare III

No words needed
Prime Minister Rican

The new face of the team. He is experienced in MOFA and can give us the right help in this moment. We decided to rebuild our foreign politicy following the instruction of the congress

MOFA Deathstroke Sylar

After his good work as MoED deputy I decided to give him the MOD. The activity of the moment will be focused on restoring the daily battle orders, going on with TW, rebuild our MU and the RH squad
MOD Liakouris

He can continue his good job keeping us informed

Another confirmation in the team. Probably we won’t have any kind of fiscal reform as last month, but we will have to invest national money to the MM
Governor lviz Fer

Good job everyone!

As your President, i CALL you ALL citizens of Switzerland, to come to our discord channel , to be active in everyday conversations with our citizens, where you can give ideas, chat and hanging out with us.

For every kind of matters I’m at your disposal, so don’t hesitate to
contact me!

BE ACTIVE, don't sleep! 😉


Swiss here, Swiss there, Swiss everywhere
Swiss Country President
Vincent Rekdal