Day 4,544, 09:00 Published in North Korea Cuba by Carlos R. Guzman


Its a real pleasure for me, to be part of this new community and project!!! I was in the beautiful Uruguay community with my comrades Conquistador, T8ny, Laucha, Prole among others. Former Cuba's revolutionary group. In the afternoon I received a letter with a very knowledge symbol…just that. Immediately after that, I send a message to eMexico to my sister, with the signal. She already knew his meaning.

I go to airport, two men was waiting for me. So, we took the Caribbean route, we make a stop after that in Spain. In secret we met this guy who was waiting with his brand new suit, a black one. He bring me some instruction and my new visa. Weeks later I saw him on television in the Spain Congress. “Jhony Walker”… be, be, good.

We arrived to North Korea like 12 hours later, almost midnight. Was a little airplane, a “commercial one”. I was escort by the political bureau of the BEST KOREAN PARTY OFFICERS. The situation of the country seems like a lot hard work ahead waiting for all the citizens, after a long term of 2 clickers eLife...

Jangotat, Aviles, Jhony Michael, Alceo and Andres 77778 introduce me to the government palace. The CP, Ismael seems to be in another galaxy... he was thinking in economic and others state duties. After shake hands, and drink a beer, he gives me the welcome. Five minutes later he gives me my first task. HOWWWW DDD, just arrived and already got work??? ¡¡Yes!! He said. Ok...

Among the others gov. members, we began to evaluate the current internal and external situation of the nation. Our first step was to founded a new MU, named as the KOREA NATIONAL ARMY (KNA) . We considered as necessary for the country, and we expect to make a huge contribution in the near future in the battlefield. If we can work together with the other revolutionaries’ commanders, we can assure our nation existence and bring support to our friends and allies.

The other situation that was put to my attention was the absence of out game laws. This is an eternal issue for the most citizens, is a philosophical point of view. The orthodox against the reformers in erepublik blanks matters. So we move on and put hands to work. Thanks to all that make contributions in this effort. Now the congress will has the chance to make a review and later on, will be the Koreans citizens who decide if they agree with the Magna Carta. Its based in one of the most advanced revolutionary constitution that previously with worked in our natural eborn nation.

A movement has born

The other thing that we began to work in, was the need for more people in the country, increase the population. People that are very compromise in his elife decided to give a second chance to Platos divinity and play back. Suddenly revolutionaries around the eworld comes to North Korea, (Conny, Kaiser, Demonaire, Orion, Cilon, ikari shinji, Roderin, Dios ArGens, Alfredo and a lot more) from different part of the eWorld.

The Best Korean Party goes to congress election after win the CP election with Andres 77778. For the first time we arrived at 58% of the popular will. People realized that this are not a dictatorship movement that we believe in democracy and we will respect all the citizens’ rights.


I got the honor to be named as vCP, put out all the dusk of my new office. The hope is back to this country, thanks to all citizens and those who are involved and giving all they can to make NK rises. I need to tell one last thing, I met people like zzzingo, Androborg, Tiago Bim (always with his AK-47), from other political party’s. Great people with a lot of knowledge too. Like this, they are a lot of other NK citizens that decided to maintain certain distance from us. To them I got a message: “NOTHING TO FEAR”, we are here to work together, to make this nation a Great community, to help each other’s. We are not here to make your eLife a difficult one. As you can see, even we are for the mayor part Spanish language people, we decided to use the English as our first option. All Koreans got all respect.


Our current priority is the development or future help for our people. With the add of some new advisers, we are trying to find the way. We are not a wealthy state, not yet. But the agreement which the others nation can bring the possibility to make it happen in the near, near future. Thanks to ikari shinji , because as soon as he arrived his helping us in new initiative. Same for zzzingo, who are a gentlemen and experienced player who want to cooperate too. Finally thanks to Ismael Kim Galaxy for trust in us, and all the people of Best Korea.


We cant say goodbye for now, without mention the relevant of the international cooperation and friendship. Thanks to Israel, Thanks to Bulgaria, Thanks to Spain and Thanks to Cuba. We are on the way to be a community with our own destiny, a BRIGHT ONE!!!