Big Pimpin' All the Way to Congress (Plus Weekly Report)

Day 740, 04:11 Published in Canada USA by PimpDollaz

Firstly, I would like to say a belated thank you to all who voted me into Congress for Nunavut. It has been an interesting experience thus far. The Forums are a place where you can see everyone's true colours. I would also like to belatedly congratulate all those who made it into Congress, and also those who ran. I previously have had the experience of being on the outside, looking in, so I know what it feels like to run and lose.

Now, onto the real business. There has been one completed vote so far, and two votes currently open. I will save my comments on the open votes for next week's report, as not all of the people in Congress have voted on these.

In the completed vote:

Proposed by Banach, 2 days ago

Do you agree to transfer 2500 USD from the country accounts to Revenue Canada?

Accepted 32 5

My vote: Yes

Reason: As part of the regular housekeeping and maintenance of Government, there was no real reason to oppose it.

Two congress members are in the running to be the next speaker: Adasko and Moffington. The nomination period has just closed, so a vote will be forthcoming. The winner will replace Hyamora Palaschuk who is no longer in Congress. He has done an excellent job as Speaker, and I commend him thoroughly. I wish the two current candidates the best of luck.

In other news, I have been accepted as the eCanadian ambassador to eIndonesia. Any comments, questions or concerns that eCanadians have to direct towards eIndonesia are welcome

I will do my best to communicate then to my Indonesian counterparts.

On that note, I would also like to say that as an eCanadian Congressman, I am open to hearing from anyone if they have any questions, comments or concerns about things related to the governing of eCanada. You may post in the comments section below, or contact me directly if you wish to speak privately.

Well, that's about all for now.
Till next time,

