Article Coming Tomorrow!

Day 1,915, 00:59 Published in USA USA by Ronald Gipper Reagan

So it's almost 4 AM. I was going to publish an epic article, but I am really tired. For everyone waiting for me to respond to your messages, I will get to it tomorrow. I am just tired and want to go to sleep now.

Hey, look what the AFA did. Get it? 😉

and here's a picture of my future wife Sandra Bullock. Hey, I know she's 25 years older than me. Don't judge. 🙂 I will also sign anything she wants, just saying!

This has been my random article that I am writing because I am sleepy and can't think right now.

Oh, and thanks everyone for all your help. We'll get them in the Congressional Elections. 😉

Oh, and those who oppose us are evil. We will defeat you like Reagan defeated the Evil Empire. o/ USA! USA! USA!