ARS is eDying

Day 4,559, 13:54 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by tef1

Rejoice: ARS has been divided into two factions. The one led by Terry are the good guys. The other led by Sheldon are the enemies of the state.

I want to offer my sincere apologies to Terry for events of recent past and congratulate him on the right deciaion as far as leaving the ARS.

Legend has it this schism is as a result of Sheldon's dictatorial tendencies within the decision making process of the party and how to lead the eNation.

I hate to say I told you so but I have. You should have listened to me. Please respect and at least give benefit of doubt in the future before attacking me.

With that being said, I hereby gladly end the division that has harmed us for weeks. I hope such events never again happen. If so, I hope we know who to trust.

101st CP
Candidate for CP