Announcement of My Withdrawal

Day 1,050, 06:48 Published in Ireland Ireland by Bristel Akina

Dia dhuit, a chairde.

I would like to thank those who voted for me, (at least 5 as of 6:45 eRep time), I really appreciate your support and comments these past few days.

I am withdrawing my bid to run for President, as I know at this time there is little chance for me to catch up to either Donovan Thomas or Connell Rath.

I ask my friends and supporters to vote for Connell Rath, as I believe he is the best choice for leading our country this month.

This race has been fraught with mudslinging and little else, but I do know that Connell will do his best to lead our country, and I hope everyone can get their support behind him if he is elected.

Thank you once again,


Bristel Akina

looks like the beard will have to wait for another day to lead