An Interview with Bruck

Day 614, 02:28 Published in Canada USA by PimpDollaz

Whether you love him, or hate him, Bruck has been an essential voice in eCanadian politics for the last little while. I decided to give my whores a summertime break and have a rap session with one of the more colorful characters this country has produced. Judge him for yourself, or just sit back and be entertained by the clever insights.

1) Now that you have been asked to assist in the war effort does this make you feel satisfied that you are one up on the current administration?

I asked Jacobi if we could let bygones by bygones and put politics aside as soon as I got wind of a possible conflict a few days before the invasion. I did so with the intent to assist cabinet in everywhere, not only am I the longest serving President in our history but I was General Coda’s predecessor before. I however feel I am hardly being utilized as a resource when my ideas are heard at all.

2) What do you think about the job that Jacobi is doing as a wartime president?

I put aside my differences with him before the war, personally I like him as a peacetime President, he got things moving as a real life Canadian Prime Minister might have, but is he a war time President? To The Godfather fans I think you’ll get the Tom Hagen reference when I say "he’s not a war time Consigliore."

3) Do you feel that you rank amongst the greatest eCanadian presidents of all time? If so, how high up on that list would you rank yourself?

Best question ever. I’m not full of myself enough to say I am the best, infact there were Presidents I did not know and this cannot compare to I am bold enough to put myself as the top three but it’s not up to me. It’s up to history.

That is a question I have been asking myself ever since calls were made for me to do so in my latest article. Everyone knows I could and I strongly believe that if I were President once more I could win this war. However, and I want to make this very clear to everyone, if I were to be President once more during this time of extreme crisis, things would be done my way.

5) Do you think that we would be in a better position if we had struck at PEACE before they struck at us?

In short, no I do not. At length, we were not looking for a fight and PEACE had been preparing for this since May. Had we maintained a total war mentality we might very well be marching under the arch de triumph right now. This is a hard lesson for Canadian’s to learn, I hope we are permitted the opportunity to correct this mistake.

6) The recent situation where the eUS attacked our enemies on our soil while we attacked their enemies on their soil was an interesting reciprocal gambit (I don't know the name of it, I suggest the 69 gambit?). Where did the idea come from and was it as successful as it was planned?

I am unfortunately unaware of who suggested this but I can say it is a very good strategy. Remove the MPP’s and the balance swings in our favour. While we defend we will lose we must attack to succeed.

7) Have the economic policies started by Dean 22 strengthened or weakend the eCanadian economy and war effort?

They have moved more CAD into the hands of the government so as long as this CAD is going back to the people it will help, although it limits the amount of CAD the average citizen has thus the amount of damage they can deal. So in essence it is taking from the citizens to give to our professional army, it’s hard to measure the effectiveness.

😎 Why do you think he was let back in the country so easily?

Well its no secret Dean22 was no friend of Alexander Rearden or myself and he was very outspoken towards us both. It could be that he was rewarded for it, sure or it could be because a congress long ago made an illegal vote. I cannot say. What I can say however is that Dean brings conflict and trouble in his wake, so long as that trouble is directed towards our enemies he’s a friend of all of Canada and in my books a good friend.

9) Now that the eUK has switched sides, what countries do you see that could step up and fill the void left by them in our alliance?

As things are the FORTIS alliance is, in my opinion, non-existent. What we now have is an alliance between Canada and the USA and the members of EDEN against PEACE. Unless a friendly nation, like Ireland or Australia, has a huge population boom no one will fill that gap anytime soon and it is up to us to carry the day.

10) Given the eUK has done what they have done, will it ever be possible to be on the same side with them again?

An entire people cannot be judged by the actions of their leaders. Something I have noticed with all my time with ATLANTIS and later in dealing between discussions with PEACE and the USA is that almost everyone has a very narrow view when discussing other peoples. This lead directly to the collapse of ATLANTIS. If the UK wishes to make amends and remove their current PEACE loving leadership I myself will be happy to welcome them back as friends.

11) Are we now fighting a purely defensive war, or is our side going to take the battle to the international level?

No, and if we were to fight a purely defensive war we would lose. We need more attacks and counter attacks to disrupt the French and Russian attacks.

12) What other countries do you see joining our alliance that haven’t done so already?

Barring something drastic, not many. We have many allies around the world that feel threatened by PEACE so it’s no surprise we are not alone. But to gain more either a member of PEACE will need to break apart and switch or a new friendly nation be born.

13) If there was anything big you could change about eCanada right now (it could be anything, politics, economy, military or whatever), what would it be?

Where to begin? There are several drastic changes I feel must take place not just because I think they are great, being my ideas and all, but because if we do not take drastic steps to change we will lose this war and thus our nation. Politically, we need authoritative leadership to make sharp decisions when needed but also informed ones. We have no time for bureaucracy and second-guessing…so long as results are returned in the progress. Economically, we need to rally as a nation, every citizen should buy gold if they are able so as to fight harder and more often. In regards to the military, closer coordination between experts in the field and the President should be chief among them.

I thank Bruck for his contributions to this interview, and for his efforts on behalf of all eCanadians. His responses appear here as they were given, in their entirety.
Stay tuned to this newspaper for more interviews to come soon