Ajay Bruno Speaks!

Day 597, 16:13 Published in USA USA by Hadrian X
The Q10 (Ten Quick Questions) – “Ajay” Edition

10 Quick Questions with Conservative Presidential Party Nominee, Ajay Bruno:

Q1: What do you see as the biggest challenge facing the eUSA today?
A: There are many challenges we face. I would say that poor leadership and a lack of cohesive policy would be at the top. Recently we elected an immature child who barely just passed the 10th grade. We can do better. We need principled, Conservative leadership. Unfortunately without a strong opposition Conservative Party this isn't possible. I hope to get our party to this point.

Q2: What do you see as the biggest challenge facing the CvP today?
A: Our party is plagued by poor leadership and corruption. We've seen our numbers deteriorating disproportionately, lack of unity in Presidential elections, poor Congressional performance, inactive leadership, and we have been ridden with scandals. We need massive overhaul and a new Conservative direction. I hope to provide that.

Q3: Just for fun, if you could punch one eCitizen in the face who would it be and why?
A: Just one? Claire... need I say more?

Q4: Quick word association... Mattoze5… Claire… Ajay…
A: Failed. Insane. Conservative. 🙂

Q5: Who would you pick in a fight, Sarah Palin or Ann Coulter and why?
A: Oh, that's a toughy. They're both great! but Sarah Palin because you never know just what she's going to do. 😉

Q6: There has been some discussion about how conservative you are versus that of your CvP opponents. Can you define what a true “conservative” is to you?
A: Many say that Reagan Conservatism is an irrelevant concept in eRepublik. I disagree. How is being principled, believing in low taxes and minimum government interference and believing that standing up for what we believe in with a tough national security policy irrelevant? While there are differences, our basic values are universal. Matt wishes to simply "play ball" and conform when he deems fit. We must always stand up for what we believe in and this sort of moderate leadership has clearly not done our party any good.

Q7: If you were elected President of the eUSA, what would be your most important mission or goal?
A: There would be many but cementing our place as the world's eSuperpower would be at the top of my list of priorities. However, this is an issue I'll deal with somewhere down the road if the opportunity presents itself. For now, I'm focused on fixing the Conservative Party. This is crucial if we are ever to defeat the machine that is mis-managing our country.

Q8: What would you tell readers who are not in any political party (or those unsatisfied with their current party), why they should join your party, the CvP?
A: I would tell them that it's a new era and if they're looking for a party that actually stands for a core set of values and that welcomes all who love this country and wish to see it prosper then they are welcome in our ranks. I would make sure we reach out personally to many who have felt ignored in the past.

Q9: What is your greatest strength and your greatest weakness?
A: I never back down from what I believe in and I always stand my ground. On the other hand, I have misjudged situations in the past and I will rely on the advice of others more in the future to make sure we make far more right decisions than wrong ones.

Q10: And finally, who is Ajay Bruno’s hero and why?
A: Besides Reagan and Emperor Hadrian?...Jesus. Not going to hide my faith. He's the example that we should always try to live by but never can quite match it.

Bonus Question: Favorite wall? Hadrian’s Wall, the Wailing Wall, the Great Wall or the Berlin Wall?
A: Hadrian's of course! Thanks for having me!

Thank you for your time, Ajay!

In the interest of full disclosure, I am not in the CvP. I am an active USWP member with an independent spirit and curious mind. In the coming days, I hope to interview numerous interesting and influential individuals of many differing political parties, ideologies and persuasions. In my opinion, open public discourse is rarely a bad thing. Thanks for reading!

“I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me. “
~Dudley Field Malone